Another Day of Infamy, A Day of National Shame during the Electoral Certification at the Capitol

This is a long post – it did not start out to be one but, anger and embarrassment of how the world sees American kicked in, and, well, it now TL;DR (if you are one of the ones who only want short writings)…. (original paper written Jan 6th that night)

Yes, FDR had the Day of Infamy on Dec 7, 1941 when Pearl Harbor was sneak attacked – along with the massive number of resultant American deaths, in this country and abroad.

Well, we (Americans) have another president who now has a Day of Infamy, one that the F’ing individual does not deserve to be associated with. Yes, the F word is protected speech (First Amendment – just have to be careful how you use it) but I chose not to use it due to Twitter or Facebook WILL flag it as vulgar speech and ban the posting (on my web site it will be used).

Today, Wednesday, January 6, 2021, will go down in history as the ultimate capstone on American President 45’s term in office – one of lunacy and mental instability, incompetency, ignorance and lack of education – did we neglect to add lack of integrity, diversity, collaboration, corruption and greed…?

This day has brought National shame to America and what was / is supposed to be a bastion of global democracy that other countries and millions of people looked up to and admired.

We cannot say that now.  

At least not while this F’ing individual continues to sit at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

We have a MASSIVE swab of embarrassment spread over us. We have the eyes of the world looking at us as ignorant, conspiracy minded and probably uneducated individuals breaching the American Capitol – believing it is the right thing to do.

My heart instantly shattered when my wife came to get me to see what was happening (I was teleworking and just signing off) at the Capitol. I was heart-broken to see the scenes unfold across the tv (on CNN, MSNBC, BBC, CNBC, Bloomberg, and yes, even Fox).

The thing is, many of these individuals are being led by other craftier individuals ever so gently guiding these tunnel-visioned sheep down illogical and well, crazy paths according to their own byzantine plans of “glory”. And the sheep (sorry for the term but living beings acting in herd mentality, doing things they know they should not be doing are like sheep – not doing their own thinking, sooo, it appears very apt to use that term) seem to have no inclination

We now have so many individuals in filter bubbles and silos believing that their worlds are the only right world and everyone else is wrong. These individuals incredulously and deeply believe in conspiracy (and if you do not know this – go check out the Pizza-gate situation that put Hilary Clinton in the spotlight – then come back). These folks believe in:

  • non-facts, or rather – as Kellyanne Conway so elegantly put it, “alternative facts”.
  • non-science – look at the anti-vaxxers who followed the ill-minded doctor who put out untrue content about vaccines and autism (go read up on Andrew Wakefield and the bogus writings he created that many people desperately latched onto – the UK basically disowned this person as a medical professional)
    • you could also check out old clips of people like Alex Jones and others of that ilk – then tell us what you think…

We have a day of national shame where a mob, a mob of terrorists (yes, the word ‘terrorists’ was used, don’t blink too hard…) illegally breached the American Capitol. Now, if that were a group of Blacks or Muslims – there would have been multiple fatalities, of Black and Brown people, lying all over the Capitol grounds…. This is very hypocritical of the law enforcement arena and points out quite clearly whose lives matter most – does it not?

The problem is not just with the people, it is with the government leaders who are supposed to be doing a better job in helping the people of the land – not just certain groups of people.

Look at the following 13 individuals, I would call them Pigs but I cannot really do that – I do not want to spend my time disparaging them. Many of us “really, really” do wish to call them a derisive term. All they seem to want, is to line their own pockets at all costs. Add more pork here and add a little there please.

What does Hawley believe he is gaining by challenging something ‘super-legal’, which really cannot be overturned or ignored? What does any of these people believe they are gaining…? Fame? Notoriety? Future glory to stand upon for future endeavors…?  And, boy, look at the 140 republican congress-people – what the heck are they going for?  Gohmert believes he can un-do democracy….

Look at them – and yeah, their names are all in lowercase because they do not deserve anything better:

  • josh Hawley, ted cruz, ron johnson, mike braun, Cynthia lummis, roger marshall, bill Hagerty, tommy Tuberville, Kelly Loeffler, marsha blackburn, john kennedy, steve daines, james lankford

bad followers or pigsIf these are individuals who went to Washington DC to make a difference in the world, to make the world a better place – they are all missing the mark. They have shown their true colors – we now know where they stand – they are all willing to follow the lead of a dunce (as Mary Trump can attest, as far as we know but it is good enough) who is cheerfully leading them off the cliff… All in fear of a bad tweet. And we can successfully write them off in the future for anything they say or do.

What does it take for people to see democracy work and when it does not work?

So many people are like:

  • Pigs – that only want to root around in the mud and grub up whatever they can stick their snouts into… As long ‘they’ got it (it is anything they are going after), no matter how they got it or at what cost. And because of that, it is of no consequence how much or what damage is done to others around them – that made them satisfied (hey, I’m going to sell some stock on the White House grounds to make a profit — sound familiar, it should be, it happened in June 2017 – Chris Collins). It works when they come out on top, ahead of everyone else – it does not matter if it is illegal or unethical…
  • Little babies. Primarily this is about many in the Senate and Congress but it also applies to the people who follow these ‘leaders’… These babies are like the generation of children who were spoiled at every chance and because of that and to make these children (at the time they were children) feel ever so much better, they were all given trophies to feel good. To know that they were the best because they had a trophy, no matter that all of them in the race or they group they were in – they all received trophies. Or, in current times – these individuals seem to somehow magically become multi-millionaires while in Congress or the Senate – on a government salary… normally only corrupt, authoritarian and dictatorial leaders like Putin, Erdogan, and others become millionaires and billionaires…

We, Americans, most of us, are hugely embarrassed and shameful of what has happened this day, Wednesday, January 6, 2021 – a day that should have shown the world what a peaceful transition of power should look like. But because of a mob of terrorists, and mainly due to this current president and political party followers – we are another notch lower (among the many we have dropped over the past four years) in the eyes of the world.

This is something that will take years to recover from… But the blemish will remain, forever on America.

Another Day of Infamy, A Day of National Shame during the Electoral Certification at the Capitol

This is a long post – it did not start out to be one but, anger and embarrassment of how the world sees American kicked in, and, well, it now TL;DR (if you are one of the ones who only want short writings)….

Yes, FDR had the Day of Infamy on Dec 7, 1941 when Pearl Harbor was sneak attacked – along with the massive number of resultant American deaths, in this country and abroad.

Well, we (Americans) have another president who now has a Day of Infamy, one that the F’ing individual does not deserve to be associated with. Yes, the F word is protected speech (First Amendment – just have to be careful how you use it) but I chose not to use it due to Twitter or Facebook WILL flag it as vulgar speech and ban the posting (on my web site it will be used).

Today, Wednesday, January 6, 2021, will go down in history as the ultimate capstone on American President 45’s term in office – one of lunacy and mental instability, incompetency, ignorance and lack of education – did we neglect to add lack of integrity, diversity, collaboration, corruption and greed…?

This day has brought National shame to America and what was / is supposed to be a bastion of global democracy that other countries and millions of people looked up to and admired.

We cannot say that now.  

At least not while this F’ing individual continues to sit at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

We have a MASSIVE swab of embarrassment spread over us. We have the eyes of the world looking at us as ignorant, conspiracy minded and probably uneducated individuals breaching the American Capitol – believing it is the right thing to do.

My heart instantly shattered when my wife came to get me to see what was happening (I was teleworking and just signing off) at the Capitol. I was heart-broken to see the scenes unfold across the tv (on CNN, MSNBC, BBC, CNBC, Bloomberg, and yes, even Fox).

The thing is, many of these individuals are being led by other craftier individuals ever so gently guiding these tunnel-visioned sheep down illogical and well, crazy paths according to their own byzantine plans of “glory”. And the sheep (sorry for the term but living beings acting in herd mentality, doing things they know they should not be doing are like sheep – not doing their own thinking, sooo, it appears very apt to use that term) seem to have no inclination

We now have so many individuals in filter bubbles and silos believing that their worlds are the only right world and everyone else is wrong. These individuals incredulously and deeply believe in conspiracy (and if you do not know this – go check out the Pizza-gate situation that put Hilary Clinton in the spotlight – then come back). These folks believe in:

  • non-facts, or rather – as Kellyanne Conway so elegantly put it, “alternative facts”.
  • non-science – look at the anti-vaxxers who followed the ill-minded doctor who put out untrue content about vaccines and autism (go read up on Andrew Wakefield and the bogus writings he created that many people desperately latched onto – the UK basically disowned this person as a medical professional)
    • you could also check out old clips of people like Alex Jones and others of that ilk – then tell us what you think…

We have a day of national shame where a mob, a mob of terrorists (yes, the word ‘terrorists’ was used, don’t blink too hard…) illegally breached the American Capitol. Now, if that were a group of Blacks or Muslims – there would have been multiple fatalities, of Black and Brown people, lying all over the Capitol grounds…. This is very hypocritical of the law enforcement arena and points out quite clearly whose lives matter most – does it not?

The problem is not just with the people, it is with the government leaders who are supposed to be doing a better job in helping the people of the land – not just certain groups of people.

Look at the following 13 individuals, I would call them Pigs but I cannot really do that – I do not want to spend my time disparaging them. Many of us “really, really” do wish to call them a derisive term. All they seem to want, is to line their own pockets at all costs. Add more pork here and add a little there please.

What does Hawley believe he is gaining by challenging something ‘super-legal’, which really cannot be overturned or ignored? What does any of these people believe they are gaining…? Fame? Notoriety? Future glory to stand upon for future endeavors…?  And, boy, look at the 140 republican congress-people – what the heck are they going for?  Gohmert believes he can un-do democracy….

Look at them – and yeah, their names are all in lowercase because they do not deserve anything better:

  • josh Hawley, ted cruz, ron johnson, mike braun, Cynthia lummis, roger marshall, bill Hagerty, tommy Tuberville, Kelly Loeffler, marsha blackburn, john kennedy, steve daines, james lankford

bad followers or pigsIf these are individuals who went to Washington DC to make a difference in the world, to make the world a better place – they are all missing the mark. They have shown their true colors – we now know where they stand – they are all willing to follow the lead of a dunce (as Mary Trump can attest, as far as we know but it is good enough) who is cheerfully leading them off the cliff… All in fear of a bad tweet. And we can successfully write them off in the future for anything they say or do.

What does it take for people to see democracy work and when it does not work?

So many people are like:

  • Pigs – that only want to root around in the mud and grub up whatever they can stick their snouts into… As long ‘they’ got it (it is anything they are going after), no matter how they got it or at what cost. And because of that, it is of no consequence how much or what damage is done to others around them – that made them satisfied (hey, I’m going to sell some stock on the White House grounds to make a profit — sound familiar, it should be, it happened in June 2017 – Chris Collins). It works when they come out on top, ahead of everyone else – it does not matter if it is illegal or unethical…
  • Little babies. Primarily this is about many in the Senate and Congress but it also applies to the people who follow these ‘leaders’… These babies are like the generation of children who were spoiled at every chance and because of that and to make these children (at the time they were children) feel ever so much better, they were all given trophies to feel good. To know that they were the best because they had a trophy, no matter that all of them in the race or they group they were in – they all received trophies. Or, in current times – these individuals seem to somehow magically become multi-millionaires while in Congress or the Senate – on a government salary… normally only corrupt, authoritarian and dictatorial leaders like Putin, Erdogan, and others become millionaires and billionaires…

We, Americans, most of us, are hugely embarrassed and shameful of what has happened this day, Wednesday, January 6, 2021 – a day that should have shown the world what a peaceful transition of power should look like. But because of a mob of terrorists, and mainly due to this current president and political party followers – we are another notch lower (among the many we have dropped over the past four years) in the eyes of the world.

This is something that will take years to recover from… But the blemish will remain, forever on America.

Decapitating ISIS & Terrorists and American & Western Interests…

Decapitating ISIS

It seems that some folks want to decapitate ISIS and that is a good thing. But doing it is going to be difficult, especially if the U.S. is going to go about it seemingly by ourselves. {UPDATE 9/6/2014: As many of you are well aware by now, there is a much broader coalition of other nations, via NATO, joining in to work on stopping ISIS, using strategic and tactical efforts…}

Leaders in other Western countries, mid-Eastern countries and their people as well, appear to not want to help quash this growth of barbaric thugs using religion as a cover.

It is quite likely a large number of Americans also do not have the heart to want to stop this group of zealots in a foreign country because it is not in the U.S. of A…

American / Western Interests

The issue of this ISIS problem and translating how it is a danger to American and/or Western interests is not one of presenting it to the large urban cities of the U.S. and Wall Street and the media.

We have to translate this issue for the folks of the mid-West, the Bible Belt, the Rust Belt – basically the people of Main Street.

Sure, talking about decapitating ISIS is one thing but we have to give more concrete examples of how purging ISIS would help American interests.

Now, I mean no disrespect to all but surely many people of Main Street understand that there are a large number of American interests to watch over in the various mid-East countries:

  • Embassy/Consulate personnel (and their families) who are possible targets
  • American businesses attempting to create harmonious opportunities between the country in question and the U.S. are targets
  • American businesses such as FedEx, UPS and others who fly into and out of some of these countries affected by Jihadist bent individuals are targets, especially for those zealots attempting to covertly ship explosives into the U.S. and
  • Peaceful American businesses attempting to expand around the globe (even oil companies)

And let’s not forget the American interests in the Homeland due to terrorist trained individuals. Those Americans and/or individuals from Western allied countries who convert to Islam in order to join the Jihad and easily (if they are not on any watch list) bring newly gained Jihadist skills back to the U.S. or throughout Europe to:

  • Because of our openness, create targets out of shopping malls, banks, office complexes and other venues which have a large potential in causing massive panic and fear
  • Need I go on as to what some idiot suicide bomber could do to American interests, within the U.S.? The converted Islamist zealot does not have to go to a major U.S. city to create havoc, they could go to any or several Main Street U.S.A.(‘s) to cause significant pain for our country.

Any and all conceivable American interests are in jeopardy of ISIS now that they have the funds (I talked about that in another writing), seized weaponry and it seems quite a large number of people to create massive turmoil throughout the mid-East, the E.U.

In addition, ISIS could very possibly, support/supply any American converted idiot/Islamic zealot who for whatever reason (low self-esteem, feeling slighted by some American policy or agency) wanted to create ‘pay-back’ for their individual problem(s).

The American convert does not have to carry any money with them as they return to the U.S. after being trained – Western Union is still one of many ways to transfer money to the converted Jihadist, even if it is via multiple small amount transfers (ie: $3 – 4,000 at a time).

So, do your own thinking of other American interests (in the Homeland or abroad) as to what might be a juicy target for these religious ragamuffins…

Asymmetric Warfare

In performing strategic and tactical moves against ISIS (and Boko Haram – they need some love as well) we have to consider moving to more asymmetric guerilla warfare efforts. If ISIS is doing it, we sure as, ahhh, S**T (or rain) had best be doing the same maneuvering as they are. Besides, did we NOT learn anything from Vietnam and our efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan over the past 20+ years???

We ‘do’ need to consider more and better ways of tagging and tracking those wanna be American Jihadists before they cause death in this country. And whatever we do decide, we have to be clearly conscious of American and EU privacy issues.

We have to develop better intelligence sources to combat this scourge of evil before they go even further.

We have to develop better relations, somehow, with countries in the mid-East, better than what we have in place now.

We have to get better at communication to be sure what we are saying is coming across clearlyFROM the perspective of those in the mid-East, not through the blinding filter of our Western perception.

But, overall, if we have to fight ISIS and Boko Haram type groups without significant help from other Western or mid-Eastern countries, then we had best become even better at asymmetric guerilla warfare and wipe out these individuals.

For one, we have to cut off the flow of individuals from Syria, at the border there, into Iraq and then create a massive pincer movement (guerilla style) around those fighters within Iraq.

Because if we do not do something now, it will only become worse as time goes on.

Again, there are many who myopically do not see the danger to American interests at this time – those short-sighted individuals (American or European or mid-Eastern) want to be complacent until it is too late.

Or the complacent will decide to leave it to others to fight ISIS. But if it is not the U.S. then who else is fighting ISIS, besides the Kurds who are out-armed…???

Yes, it would be quite nice to decapitate ISIS but we need a major concerted effort to do so. The decapitation of James Foley should have been an eye-opening wake-up call for the faint at heart and weak of will.

So…. wouldn’t it be great in preventing:

  • yet another genocide from occurring (the Yazidis) and/or
  • the forced conversion of people to another religion or else face mass murder…?

Last of all and even more importantly – there MUST be TIMELY and equitable sharing of intelligence information between all law enforcement (LE) and intelligence agencies within the U.S., Interpol and several other Western LE and Intel organizations.

That sharing HAS to happen for any of this having any chance of working. FBI cannot stonewall DHS, nor can DEA block needed intel amongst LE agencies around the country (only two examples here).

ISIS, Boko Haram & Home Grown Terrorists – in the U.S…. Surveillance time?

**** moved from ****

It appears that we are entering another era of pain and trouble, globally.

When I say we, it is not the ‘Royal “We”’ but we as in citizens of the world, in the Western developed countries and most especially those of us in the U.S. 

We, the United States, have stepped into a situation in the mid-east that should have been handled by that country’s own military and security forces. That country, yes, is Iraq.

Due to Nouri al-Maliki, of the Shia sect, Prime Minister of Iraq being ‘unwilling’ to logically, diplomatically, politically and economically share power with the Sunni and the Kurds of that country – he failed on a massive scale. So, as a result, we now have the outrageous growth of a group of religious zealots – the Islamic State, formerly ISIS, formerly ISIL and even further back, an off-shoot of al-Qaeda (or al-Qaida or even al-Qa’ida – depending on your viewpoint and background).


In doing our humanitarian bit of sending our resources (men, women, financial, materiel, etc.) to willingly go into harm’s way to help those that cannot help themselves, we may have painted another bulls eye on our collective back. ISIS is easier to type than writing out their latest and newest name, kinda like some rock star constantly changing names depending on where the moon is in the sky…. so, I will continue using ISIS.

As it stands, there is no other country willing to step as far forward and help other countries with the advancements of equality, democracy and openness. These other large countries only make token drops of assistance during times of disaster or humanitarian need.

Yes, yes, yes, the U.S. – we DO still have problems but we are continually working on them, much better than many other large countries seem to be doing. For example, we do not censor or block Internet access just because some official (or government) does not want transparency and/or takes offense at someone or some group making disparaging/revealing remarks/statements …


A couple of days ago, Abu Mosa, a spokesman for the terror group ISIS, in talking about America made this statement (1): ““We will humiliate them everywhere, God willing, and we will raise the flag of Allah in the White House,” he added.”

Now what does that tell you? Keep in mind, this group of zealots has taken over banks and control of vast amounts of money to fund their growth. Also keep in the forefront of your thoughts, the world community cannot willy nilly freeze the Iraqi currency, the dinar, to keep it from being used…

And in addition, remember, these zealots have taken over Iraqi bases and armories, facilities full of weaponry that can be moved across borders. The weapons I refer to are things that can easily be smuggled, RPGs, grenades, mines and other projectile bombs and mines.

Think about it, if people and other illicit items (drugs, alcohol and cigarettes) can easily find their way into the U.S., so too can this kind of weaponry find its way onto American soil – for a price, via down on their luck (or not) traitorous U.S. citizens.

Many of you out there already are aware of the ‘Home Grown Terrorist’ growth in the U.S. and how so many people want to be part of a Jihadist movement – for whatever reason. These ‘home grown’ individuals are from many parts of America and take many forms as you have seen:

  • Mexican American
  • White American
  • Black American and all the
  • Displaced/Immigrated – legal/illegal mid-easterners – Iraqi, Palestinian, Syrian, Jordanian, Yemeni, Saudi and on and on and on…

Now that ISIS has their hands on quite a bit of money, manipulative propaganda and weaponry, the next step you have to take is in asking yourself, “How much of these new resources can ISIS move into the West (and the U.S.)?”

Then you have to ask yourself “How fast can they do it?”

Following these two basic questions, you should be thinking, “Can we see this movement in real time and stop it, using tools like the power of the SWIFT network (2). Will we possibly use the power of our intelligence agencies to take peeks into the meta-data of phone, internet communications “BEFORE” something catastrophic occurs in the U.S., similar to our 9/11 rather than attempting to connect the dots “AFTER” whatever happens, happens.

The only snag here is, will the American people and people of other western countries be willing to allow tighter surveillance and scrutiny to stop the growth and insidious spread of ISIS and whatever harm they will continue to do…???

We now, more than ever, will need to strategize on how to counter a newer crop of home grown terrorists in light of the funding that ISIS has on hand and is getting. Some of that funding is and/or was purportedly from some U.S. allies – Kuwait, Qatar, Turkey and Saudi Arabia, I have no way of corroborating this other than going with content from several news outlets, two included below (3,4).

Will the Western world be willing to have tighter security in advance of ISIS or wait and see what happens, after it is too late? We, the U.S. will need law enforcement in conjunction with intelligence agencies, local/state/federal governments to develop and implement even better strategies on dealing with a ‘possible’ slew of more new home grown terrorists…

We already know that this group wants to put its imprint on everything and force everyone to bow to their way of life – sharia law, follow Islam or die, the continual destruction of ancient artifacts and buildings simply because they are not Islamic.

We also already know that the mass number of Muslims around the world do not stand for this brand of Islamic beliefs. However, I am very surprised that many more Muslims are not helping to stop this cancerous growth or condemning what ISIS is doing.


Boko Haram is likely hitching, or probably willing to hitch their wagon to ISIS, though I have no way of knowing if either group wants to be connected to the other.


No one should be fooling themselves into thinking that ISIS will never create trouble (or death) on the homeland that is just a waste of brain cells. These people are serious, deadly serious.

And I have not heard it yet but I would not discount anyone stating that these people have airplanes (after taking over so many Iraqi facilities) they can use as a form of WMD…


Is anyone willing to believe that ISIS could not make it to the U.S.? Is anyone going to be foolish enough to make a bet on that? Because as far as I know, no one on planet Earth is omniscient, at least not until someone reaches the long heralded Singularity…

Is anyone foolish enough to believe that we should not be making “better” preparations for Home Grown Terrorists ahead of ISIS aiding any maladjusted, misguided and dare I say ‘crazed’ individuals?

We already saw a significant spike in militias and sovereign citizens since our 44th President took office – we do not need more.


And hopefully I do not come across as a dogmatic scare-monger; I am just looking at the landscape and down the road – especially if the people of the mid-Eastern countries cannot take care of this ISIS problem…



1 – ISIS Threatens America: ‘We Will Raise The Flag Of Allah In The White House’,, 8 Aug 2014

2 – SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication),

3 – America’s Allies Are Funding ISIS,, 14 Jun 2014

4 – The United States’ biggest ‘allies’ are funding ISIL,, 9 Aug 2014


Religious Jihad… Caliphate… Putin & Crimea… Global Problems…

Global Concerns

Around the world today, we continue to face multiple global issues (only going to discuss a few here), issues large enough that the entire global community must weigh in and do more than talk. And oh yeah, we will need to provide the UN and Interpol with much more bite (punishment and enforcement) – they absolutely require it.

Yes, these concerns and issues are all highly serious but we must start doing more.

The spread of one religion full of zealots is not just an issue for one region of the world – it is a significant issue for all citizens of the globe.

And a country using its military might to take land and/or to instill fear by proposing military expansion under the pretext of “to insure our citizens are not harmed” can no longer be tolerated or allowed.


One does not need to hold the highest security clearances to know or see what is happening around the world, there are plenty of news outlets to cull information from, using your own research efforts. But – you “HAVE TO” use your own mind and brain power to make your own informed decisions. It will mean watching portions of multiple network TV or cable news programs, radio shows and Internet news feeds. You “cannot” filter all of your news from just one or two sources; you must broaden your horizons of where you get your news. Listen to news coming from multiple political parties, not just your own.

Anyone publically disavowing science yet does not nothing about any aspect of the science they are attempting to disprove, i.e. evolution, global weather patterns, financial economies, the science of diplomacy or military arts and so on – is that the type of person you want to listen to and to follow?

Listen, if you continue to diligently listen to only a couple of sources, you are no better than the kids being brainwashed in the numerous madrasas in multiple parts of the world. And we, many of us, all know that many of these madrasas are pounding select knowledge and no more into the heads of all the impressionable men and boys (remember, girls and women are not worthy of education). Many of these impressionable men and boys are taught to dislike, disavow and hate the lifestyles and teachings of the western world.

In the end, the mass majority of individuals leaving madrasas are still ignorant and mostly uneducated… but frighteningly have their sights set on hating and killing anyone not of their religion or are from the western world.


One does not need to be the best National Security Intelligence SME to analyze open source (not classified) information from around the globe. You can use that significantly important organ of your body, your very own brain, to dissect and analyze the information you see and read for yourself.

YOU, you are smart enough to compare multiple news items and see which ones hold water and which ones do not, especially if you do your own research to see if what is being discussed is true or not. You are your own intelligence analyst – you’re an intelligent human being, I sure hope you are.

One just needs to open their eyes and “see,” not just look, what is occurring and extrapolate about what is happening now and onwards into the future. Extrapolate the information you’ve analyzed and see where the path ends up a week from now, a month or year from now. You have to project forward intelligently.


Religious Jihadists

To spread the word of Islam by killing non-believers of all other religions – that is one goal of a religious zealot or some type of Jihadist. To be very clear here, many of us know that the mass majority of Muslims are peace loving – it is the minority of dangerous zealots, who want to make the world over in their image, following Sharia law that we have to worry about.


A group of individuals, no matter what religion they purport to be part of or are from – no can kidnap women and girls, killing the men and boys and force those captives to follow an unwanted religion. There is no justification for it.

What zealous religious individuals around the globe have to understand (I know, I know – they may never understand) is that there is the matter of free will and expression. They cannot force others to follow a religion that was created centuries ago out of ignorance and grew over time with religious leaders evolving over that time as well. Those religious leaders, zealot or not, evolved over time, holding titles from witch doctor, shaman, priests, imam, apostle, dalai lama, swami, abbot to sun gods, etc., etc….

The choice of free will means people can choose to believe in any one of the many gods out there and to follow whatever religion they want – but it is their choice to do so, or to ‘not’ follow any god or religion. Just because a group of people spurred on by someone claiming to be their religious leader, who commands their followers to commit Jihads or Fatwas, it does not make it right. And make no mistake about it, a Jihad or Fatwa that dictates killing someone is not legal in many, many parts of the world. It is just murder.

The growth of modern day terrorists and their aims lead them to want to transit international boundaries and create fear and death by any means handy. These terrorists say it is to right the wrongs of all the years of western superiority. Unfortunately, I will say, many of our ancestors did take many, many things by force and in the process, suppressed the people who lived in those affected countries, including the U.S…

Today, we have many people following varying religions around the world, religions that rose up out of superstition and lack of education from 10s of thousands (if not 100s of thousands) years ago and then passed down through the ages to us, the descendants’ descendants.

And please, if anyone wants to follow an ancient tradition that is their right but those people cannot force others to do so, it has to be of free will, if that is desired.


A Caliphate?

Now, as everyone should be aware of, we have a hard core group of individuals in the mid-east who, under their leader – Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (the piously humble man wearing a very expensive wrist watch), wish to create an Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (now calling itself, the Islamic State…). Or if you will, al-Baghdadi wants to start the beginnings of a new Caliphate.

This is still a terrorist activity even if the terrorists believe it to be some kind of holy crusade.

In their drive to create this Caliphate, suppose these individuals, who are hell bent (pardon the pun) on doing whatever they can to demolish, destroy and flat out create massive deaths around the world, suppose these terrorists start using hidden explosives (and vastly improved miniaturization techniques) in wearable’s such as FitBits, packed into the frames of many pairs of glasses or even within the handles of suitcases…?

Suppose they actually get more American’s or visitors to the U.S. here on a Visa to successfully cause deaths by poisoning the water supplies of small towns (or larger cities) or other such dastardly acts of violence…?

What do we do, start doing even more pervasive and extensive searches of citizens around the globe to prevent the spread of terrorist activities…?

For all we know, in the future, Boko Haram may want to become of that group, growing their own list of horrific acts…

In any regard, a Caliphate led by religious zealot(s) is a dangerous thing for the world to deal with.


Putin, Russia, Crimea, etc…

Okay, we have the mid-east as a very hot spot, what about in Eurasian? Look at Putin of the Soviet Union, errr sorry, of Russia. It really appears as if he wants to pull the Soviet Union of yore back together again. What else can explain the inextricably odd actions that the man is doing?

Or is he simply off his noggin in annexing a portion of Ukraine – Crimea, to grow Russia back into its former self – the U.S.S.R…? Is he seriously looking at Georgia, Moldova and others? Has he absolutely gone wacko in threatening Finland? If you do not recall or did not know:

  • Putin in 2012 [1] stated, “Saying that Finland will surrender its right to act independently in the event it joins the western military alliance, Putin added that Moscow will respond to deployment of any NATO attack missiles based in the Nordic country.”
  • Then in 2013, he threatened Finland with reoccupation [2] and
  • In 2014 [3], “According to Andrej Illarionov, the President’s chief economic adviser from 2000 to 2005, Mr Putin seeks to create “historical justice” with a return to the days of the last Tsar, Nicholas II, and the Soviet Union under Stalin.” Also from the 2014 story: “Parts of Georgia, Ukraine, Belarus, the Baltic States and Finland are states where Putin claims to have ownership.”

So what does the world do with an individual who has delusions of grandeur, which is what it appears to me? Does the global community stand by twiddling its collective thumbs waiting to see what Putin does? Or does the world come together in sending a clear and definitive statement to Putin that he cannot cavalierly move his military into other countries with the belief that his predecessors were wrong in granting sovereignty and land to other countries – Ukraine, Finland, Belarus, etc.

Yes, the EU does get a large amount of fossil fuel from Russia but at some point, the world, especially the EU and its neighbors must put the pedal to the metal and show Putin how much solidarity there is in that hemisphere and that he cannot continue bullying countries because he has a larger military.


There will be some initial pain in putting up a strong cohesive front towards Putin but a bit of sacrifice early will likely quell any future problems – such as another military incursion into places like Georgia or Crimea.


Then too, it’s likely that Putin is desirous in occupying those areas of Ukraine for the vast energy reserves (gas and oil) below ground, within the Ukrainian eastern borders. He took Crimea for the naval base infrastructure currently in place.


And as for the U.S., no, we are not exempt from problems. We know that we have a good number of individuals in the U.S. that want to create problems like not paying taxes, attempts at secession in the state they live in and on and on (i.e. militia, sovereign citizens – for which their numbers grew when someone of a different color became President). There are multiple issues of a long list of problems in the U.S., such as gun violence, racial disparity (still), educational woes and on and on…


Our Global Future…


We have to set a goal, one primary overarching goal – that of providing better, much better education to everyone around the globe. Yes, the education will have to be modified for whatever country but everyone should be educated, to learn to read and write and think for themselves. In providing ‘quality’ education, it will allow more people the chance to grow their own choices and make better choices for them and their families.

Of course this is not an easy task, we are still working on in many of the developed countries but we have to spread education and the tools to gain that education. If we do not, we will all have a bleak future. If people grow up ignorant and only see, hear and read selected teachings from their country’s education system or from a religious group, they do not grow and these people only see things through a possibly much distorted lens, lenses which could continue to cause anger and hatred and jealousy.

A lack of education amplifies ignorance and ill will.


We all need to make better efforts in communicating – “talking” – to each other. We need to find acceptable common grounds to meet on (such as peaceful coexistence). We need to talk to each other, not attempting to force one country’s belief on another or one’s religion on others.

We need to talk to each other and in doing so, we “must compromise” – no one can have everything they want. It is just not possible, without engendering hatred and violence.


We need more collaboration between all people, all nations! If the world continues on as it is with more nationalism growing in different countries, more secessionist attempts within countries, deepening of certain religious branches – we are going to end up in a world of separateness, with no one wanting to assimilate within a country’s borders. Nor will we have people looking past the ethnicity, race, religion of others, just because they are different – outsiders…

We will have a future plagued with more:

  • Violence,
  • Terrorists,
  • Gangs – Mafia, Triads, Mafiya (Russia), Yakuza, MS13
  • Nations hankering to take land from other country’s for water, mineral and energy within the other country (just because they have a bigger military),
  • Etc., etc., etc. – I could go on all day 

We have to work together and help the weakest nations grow and begin to prosper. We have to do away with all the remaining dictators and corrupt President’s, in certain countries, along with their crony politicians and business leaders.

We have to do more.



SME   Subject Matter Expert



1 – Finland will lose ‘sovereignty’ if joins NATO – Putin,, 22 Jun 2012

2 – Putin threatens Finland with reoccupation,, 15 Mar 2013

3 – Vladimir Putin ‘wants to regain Finland’ for Russia, adviser says,, 30 Mar 2014

Missing Malaysian jet – Flight MH370 – hijacked, catastrophic accident (or terrorists…)

—– update: Mar 17, see below

Well, since there appears to be conspiracy theories left and right, I’d like to add mine too – yep, me too, me too… in adding to the massive amount of speculation around the world.

Okay, if this airliner is not on the ocean floor bed, sadly entombing 239 people, then it landed somewhere – one of two options, it did not just disappear…

On March 10th, I had posted the following (and received a few, just a few, comments from crackpots and idiots who do not believe in brainstorming):

I had not wanted to post this here (a closed to the public Intelligence website) but it seems that more sites (like the Chicago Tribune) are starting to force people to use the social networking sites to post comments (like factbook, err, facebook and twitter, etc.).

We have no real info on this incident yet, either way, it is horrific, not counting the two who illegally used stolen passports – those are 237 innocent people on that plane, a mind boggling loss (no comparison to 9/11 of course).

In the meantime, I was thinking, or rather – brainstorming. The creative and more forward thinking people (creative & innovative thinkers, Intelligence Analysts/Officers, Business Intelligence Analysts, law enforcement, etc.) out there will appreciate the distinction.

I was thinking that what if the plane was actually hijacked for other reason… and likely without the pilots collusion by:
a) gassing the entire plane to put everyone else to sleep,
b) taking over the cockpit,
c) dumping some fuel/oil to indicate a crash site,
d) kill the radio and transponders (or just turn them off),
e) flying below any and all radar and
f) making their way to some sparsely populated areas to avoid being seen and hide it…

The plane may be 12 years old, but could be re-sold (after scrubbing it of all identifying marks) and re-flagged (illegally), sold for its parts (think big chop shop), or any number of other unthinkable things.

But again, this is just a brainstorming possibility, besides the “possible terrorist” link.

Today, March 15: If the plane landed somewhere, it only needed appx 3,500 – 5,000 feet of space to land. Apparently, according to Tom Casey (a former 777 pilot who was on CNN today), a friend of his landed and stopped a 777 in 3,500 feet.

Now, if this IS a hijacking stemming from some zealots or adversaries or criminals – all they would have to do is gather enough cheap labor to clear a swath of land, long enough to land and just wide enough to make a turn (maybe on this point).

They would just have to clear trees, tall grass and any large rocks – all that is necessary to just land the plane. A somewhat smooth (free of potholes and rocks and trees) plot of land is all they need if they are stripping it (think huge chop shop) for the metals, high tech components and precious metals. 

— Think back to Vietnam and how many rough, impromptu airfields were cleared this way without Seabees being involved.

If they are re-purposing the plane, well, they need to do a better clearing job.

And of course afterwards, cover the plane with a LOT of tree branches/leaves or camo tarp…
— As to all those extra hands who were engaged to clear the land, many zealot groups seem to have no compunction in terminating people for the greater good of some god (you pick one) and leaving their conscious free of any residual guilt.

Then, if the plane really is being repurposed, to what end: Drugs, Human Trafficking, Theft or as a WMD?

All the perps need to do is repaint some other airliner’s colors on this newly acquired plane and initialize the transponders with stolen data (remember, IF it is not on the ocean floor – if they were smart to steal this jet, then they should have no problem stealing some transponder data to spoof another airliner).

Now, again, if the plane IS NOTon the floor bed we have one of four scenarios:

1)  Drug smuggling vehicle (possibly a one shot event)

2)  Human trafficking (possibly a one shot event here too)

3) Chop shop for the materials (see above)

4) Use as a WMD with a dirty bomb or massive amounts of ammonium nitrate aboard…

You choose one with your knowledge and best guess… No one in authority seems to know where this bird is located.

Mar 17 update:

Runway space – “if” this plane did land somewhere, all they (or he or she)  ‘might’ possibly need is a 1,000 – 2,000 stretch of runway for the roughest part of the landing, and THEN the “hijacker(s) and team” would work on a make shift extra 1,500 – 2,000 feet for the plane to stop and turn

Passengers gassed – “if” the plane actually ‘did’ go up to 45,000 feet as supposedly reported and “if” the cabin emergency air supply mask system was turned off – then that would solve the gassing of the passengers (rather gruesome if you ask me), supposedly the passengers would just nod off and go to sleep but would not regain consciousness.