Another Day of Infamy, A Day of National Shame during the Electoral Certification at the Capitol

This is a long post – it did not start out to be one but, anger and embarrassment of how the world sees American kicked in, and, well, it now TL;DR (if you are one of the ones who only want short writings)…. (original paper written Jan 6th that night)

Yes, FDR had the Day of Infamy on Dec 7, 1941 when Pearl Harbor was sneak attacked – along with the massive number of resultant American deaths, in this country and abroad.

Well, we (Americans) have another president who now has a Day of Infamy, one that the F’ing individual does not deserve to be associated with. Yes, the F word is protected speech (First Amendment – just have to be careful how you use it) but I chose not to use it due to Twitter or Facebook WILL flag it as vulgar speech and ban the posting (on my web site it will be used).

Today, Wednesday, January 6, 2021, will go down in history as the ultimate capstone on American President 45’s term in office – one of lunacy and mental instability, incompetency, ignorance and lack of education – did we neglect to add lack of integrity, diversity, collaboration, corruption and greed…?

This day has brought National shame to America and what was / is supposed to be a bastion of global democracy that other countries and millions of people looked up to and admired.

We cannot say that now.  

At least not while this F’ing individual continues to sit at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

We have a MASSIVE swab of embarrassment spread over us. We have the eyes of the world looking at us as ignorant, conspiracy minded and probably uneducated individuals breaching the American Capitol – believing it is the right thing to do.

My heart instantly shattered when my wife came to get me to see what was happening (I was teleworking and just signing off) at the Capitol. I was heart-broken to see the scenes unfold across the tv (on CNN, MSNBC, BBC, CNBC, Bloomberg, and yes, even Fox).

The thing is, many of these individuals are being led by other craftier individuals ever so gently guiding these tunnel-visioned sheep down illogical and well, crazy paths according to their own byzantine plans of “glory”. And the sheep (sorry for the term but living beings acting in herd mentality, doing things they know they should not be doing are like sheep – not doing their own thinking, sooo, it appears very apt to use that term) seem to have no inclination

We now have so many individuals in filter bubbles and silos believing that their worlds are the only right world and everyone else is wrong. These individuals incredulously and deeply believe in conspiracy (and if you do not know this – go check out the Pizza-gate situation that put Hilary Clinton in the spotlight – then come back). These folks believe in:

  • non-facts, or rather – as Kellyanne Conway so elegantly put it, “alternative facts”.
  • non-science – look at the anti-vaxxers who followed the ill-minded doctor who put out untrue content about vaccines and autism (go read up on Andrew Wakefield and the bogus writings he created that many people desperately latched onto – the UK basically disowned this person as a medical professional)
    • you could also check out old clips of people like Alex Jones and others of that ilk – then tell us what you think…

We have a day of national shame where a mob, a mob of terrorists (yes, the word ‘terrorists’ was used, don’t blink too hard…) illegally breached the American Capitol. Now, if that were a group of Blacks or Muslims – there would have been multiple fatalities, of Black and Brown people, lying all over the Capitol grounds…. This is very hypocritical of the law enforcement arena and points out quite clearly whose lives matter most – does it not?

The problem is not just with the people, it is with the government leaders who are supposed to be doing a better job in helping the people of the land – not just certain groups of people.

Look at the following 13 individuals, I would call them Pigs but I cannot really do that – I do not want to spend my time disparaging them. Many of us “really, really” do wish to call them a derisive term. All they seem to want, is to line their own pockets at all costs. Add more pork here and add a little there please.

What does Hawley believe he is gaining by challenging something ‘super-legal’, which really cannot be overturned or ignored? What does any of these people believe they are gaining…? Fame? Notoriety? Future glory to stand upon for future endeavors…?  And, boy, look at the 140 republican congress-people – what the heck are they going for?  Gohmert believes he can un-do democracy….

Look at them – and yeah, their names are all in lowercase because they do not deserve anything better:

  • josh Hawley, ted cruz, ron johnson, mike braun, Cynthia lummis, roger marshall, bill Hagerty, tommy Tuberville, Kelly Loeffler, marsha blackburn, john kennedy, steve daines, james lankford

bad followers or pigsIf these are individuals who went to Washington DC to make a difference in the world, to make the world a better place – they are all missing the mark. They have shown their true colors – we now know where they stand – they are all willing to follow the lead of a dunce (as Mary Trump can attest, as far as we know but it is good enough) who is cheerfully leading them off the cliff… All in fear of a bad tweet. And we can successfully write them off in the future for anything they say or do.

What does it take for people to see democracy work and when it does not work?

So many people are like:

  • Pigs – that only want to root around in the mud and grub up whatever they can stick their snouts into… As long ‘they’ got it (it is anything they are going after), no matter how they got it or at what cost. And because of that, it is of no consequence how much or what damage is done to others around them – that made them satisfied (hey, I’m going to sell some stock on the White House grounds to make a profit — sound familiar, it should be, it happened in June 2017 – Chris Collins). It works when they come out on top, ahead of everyone else – it does not matter if it is illegal or unethical…
  • Little babies. Primarily this is about many in the Senate and Congress but it also applies to the people who follow these ‘leaders’… These babies are like the generation of children who were spoiled at every chance and because of that and to make these children (at the time they were children) feel ever so much better, they were all given trophies to feel good. To know that they were the best because they had a trophy, no matter that all of them in the race or they group they were in – they all received trophies. Or, in current times – these individuals seem to somehow magically become multi-millionaires while in Congress or the Senate – on a government salary… normally only corrupt, authoritarian and dictatorial leaders like Putin, Erdogan, and others become millionaires and billionaires…

We, Americans, most of us, are hugely embarrassed and shameful of what has happened this day, Wednesday, January 6, 2021 – a day that should have shown the world what a peaceful transition of power should look like. But because of a mob of terrorists, and mainly due to this current president and political party followers – we are another notch lower (among the many we have dropped over the past four years) in the eyes of the world.

This is something that will take years to recover from… But the blemish will remain, forever on America.

Another Day of Infamy, A Day of National Shame during the Electoral Certification at the Capitol

This is a long post – it did not start out to be one but, anger and embarrassment of how the world sees American kicked in, and, well, it now TL;DR (if you are one of the ones who only want short writings)….

Yes, FDR had the Day of Infamy on Dec 7, 1941 when Pearl Harbor was sneak attacked – along with the massive number of resultant American deaths, in this country and abroad.

Well, we (Americans) have another president who now has a Day of Infamy, one that the F’ing individual does not deserve to be associated with. Yes, the F word is protected speech (First Amendment – just have to be careful how you use it) but I chose not to use it due to Twitter or Facebook WILL flag it as vulgar speech and ban the posting (on my web site it will be used).

Today, Wednesday, January 6, 2021, will go down in history as the ultimate capstone on American President 45’s term in office – one of lunacy and mental instability, incompetency, ignorance and lack of education – did we neglect to add lack of integrity, diversity, collaboration, corruption and greed…?

This day has brought National shame to America and what was / is supposed to be a bastion of global democracy that other countries and millions of people looked up to and admired.

We cannot say that now.  

At least not while this F’ing individual continues to sit at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

We have a MASSIVE swab of embarrassment spread over us. We have the eyes of the world looking at us as ignorant, conspiracy minded and probably uneducated individuals breaching the American Capitol – believing it is the right thing to do.

My heart instantly shattered when my wife came to get me to see what was happening (I was teleworking and just signing off) at the Capitol. I was heart-broken to see the scenes unfold across the tv (on CNN, MSNBC, BBC, CNBC, Bloomberg, and yes, even Fox).

The thing is, many of these individuals are being led by other craftier individuals ever so gently guiding these tunnel-visioned sheep down illogical and well, crazy paths according to their own byzantine plans of “glory”. And the sheep (sorry for the term but living beings acting in herd mentality, doing things they know they should not be doing are like sheep – not doing their own thinking, sooo, it appears very apt to use that term) seem to have no inclination

We now have so many individuals in filter bubbles and silos believing that their worlds are the only right world and everyone else is wrong. These individuals incredulously and deeply believe in conspiracy (and if you do not know this – go check out the Pizza-gate situation that put Hilary Clinton in the spotlight – then come back). These folks believe in:

  • non-facts, or rather – as Kellyanne Conway so elegantly put it, “alternative facts”.
  • non-science – look at the anti-vaxxers who followed the ill-minded doctor who put out untrue content about vaccines and autism (go read up on Andrew Wakefield and the bogus writings he created that many people desperately latched onto – the UK basically disowned this person as a medical professional)
    • you could also check out old clips of people like Alex Jones and others of that ilk – then tell us what you think…

We have a day of national shame where a mob, a mob of terrorists (yes, the word ‘terrorists’ was used, don’t blink too hard…) illegally breached the American Capitol. Now, if that were a group of Blacks or Muslims – there would have been multiple fatalities, of Black and Brown people, lying all over the Capitol grounds…. This is very hypocritical of the law enforcement arena and points out quite clearly whose lives matter most – does it not?

The problem is not just with the people, it is with the government leaders who are supposed to be doing a better job in helping the people of the land – not just certain groups of people.

Look at the following 13 individuals, I would call them Pigs but I cannot really do that – I do not want to spend my time disparaging them. Many of us “really, really” do wish to call them a derisive term. All they seem to want, is to line their own pockets at all costs. Add more pork here and add a little there please.

What does Hawley believe he is gaining by challenging something ‘super-legal’, which really cannot be overturned or ignored? What does any of these people believe they are gaining…? Fame? Notoriety? Future glory to stand upon for future endeavors…?  And, boy, look at the 140 republican congress-people – what the heck are they going for?  Gohmert believes he can un-do democracy….

Look at them – and yeah, their names are all in lowercase because they do not deserve anything better:

  • josh Hawley, ted cruz, ron johnson, mike braun, Cynthia lummis, roger marshall, bill Hagerty, tommy Tuberville, Kelly Loeffler, marsha blackburn, john kennedy, steve daines, james lankford

bad followers or pigsIf these are individuals who went to Washington DC to make a difference in the world, to make the world a better place – they are all missing the mark. They have shown their true colors – we now know where they stand – they are all willing to follow the lead of a dunce (as Mary Trump can attest, as far as we know but it is good enough) who is cheerfully leading them off the cliff… All in fear of a bad tweet. And we can successfully write them off in the future for anything they say or do.

What does it take for people to see democracy work and when it does not work?

So many people are like:

  • Pigs – that only want to root around in the mud and grub up whatever they can stick their snouts into… As long ‘they’ got it (it is anything they are going after), no matter how they got it or at what cost. And because of that, it is of no consequence how much or what damage is done to others around them – that made them satisfied (hey, I’m going to sell some stock on the White House grounds to make a profit — sound familiar, it should be, it happened in June 2017 – Chris Collins). It works when they come out on top, ahead of everyone else – it does not matter if it is illegal or unethical…
  • Little babies. Primarily this is about many in the Senate and Congress but it also applies to the people who follow these ‘leaders’… These babies are like the generation of children who were spoiled at every chance and because of that and to make these children (at the time they were children) feel ever so much better, they were all given trophies to feel good. To know that they were the best because they had a trophy, no matter that all of them in the race or they group they were in – they all received trophies. Or, in current times – these individuals seem to somehow magically become multi-millionaires while in Congress or the Senate – on a government salary… normally only corrupt, authoritarian and dictatorial leaders like Putin, Erdogan, and others become millionaires and billionaires…

We, Americans, most of us, are hugely embarrassed and shameful of what has happened this day, Wednesday, January 6, 2021 – a day that should have shown the world what a peaceful transition of power should look like. But because of a mob of terrorists, and mainly due to this current president and political party followers – we are another notch lower (among the many we have dropped over the past four years) in the eyes of the world.

This is something that will take years to recover from… But the blemish will remain, forever on America.

America & Allies Are Screwed = Trump

Well America, Allies and Friends, welcome to our current global state of affairs – “We are all screwed!”

However – If you are a follower of the “Fake News” phenomenon, it is best you stop here and go elsewhere…


As many Americans already knew, Trump was not the person who should have won the White House nor should he continue to be the person sitting in the White house. It is still not 100% clear why so many of Trump’s base continue to support him.  But it does appear that more people now recognize that they should not have supported him, after they have suffered economically under the stewardship of this current president.

Is this Trump support borne out of ignorance, lack of intelligence, poor ethics, bad integrity, willingness to suppress other people just so they could be (or appear) superior….?  Some combination of those items?  All of those choices?

Why is it that with all of the content out there in the public spaces that so many people who “should” know better, do not know better…?  We have people like McConnell in the senate refusing to do the right thing, which is, removing the clear and present danger of a leader who wants to undertake illegal activities to ensure his own power. Then we have people like Giuliani who was kind of a hero when 9/11 happened – but look at him now, he ‘appears’ to be broken in so many ways and ethics seem to no longer matter to him.

If you, the reader, need to have a fact checking session here, it means you are not up to date with what is going on over the past several years or refuse to face reality with what is going on. Nothing so onerous as a bad leader (leader is purported in this case) can be ignored by a leader who constantly:

  • lies on every topic,
  • chooses to favor political friends instead of what is better and the right thing to do for the majority of people,
  • chooses to favor authoritarian and dictatorial leaders of other countries (China, Russia, Philippines, Turkey, N. Korea – enough?) over leaders of democratic and progressive countries and the people of countries who are or trying to be democratic and progressive,
  • makes outlandish claims to secure favor with many (talking about Trump’s base here) who are not thinking (or refuses to think) clearly or logically or unselfishly – and never follows through with those claims (think factories, think coal plants),
  • uses foul language in public discourse,
  • (we will not discuss nepotism here, okay?),
  • tears down decades old trust between global allies,
  • due to lack of action (or refusing to recognize it) on his part against hate crime, white supremacists and racism – allowing the hate to grow and fester and grow further,
  • allows illegal activities to take place under their purview without saying a word or lifting a finger (well, okay Trump did say, “Oh this or that person did do a bad thing – I feel sorry for them and wish them well”) to put a stop to it and setting precedents for the next person who wants to attempt doing illegal activities

How does one gain or hold trust with a leader who has all of these characteristics?

How does one begin to trust a leader once someone becomes aware of those characteristics?

How does anyone want to follow a leader who should be a role model when that leader (Trump) is seen on international television shoving the Montenegro Prime Minister out of the way so he could be at the front of the crowd?

So, in going back to “being screwed”. With this current American president in place, we now have decades of global growth set back on its heels. And we appear to have opened the gates further for foreign governments doing heinous activities in multiple regions, setting the groundwork for ‘more’ nationalism and more dictatorial growth to happen.

Look at Russia’s continued attempted growth, such as setting up bases in the Arctic Circle and repression of choice and political parties (where opponents are arrested or killed). Look at China creating man-made islands in the South China Sea in order to grow their hegemony and sphere of influence and the disappearing act of Uighur villages/towns. Look at N. Koreas’ continued missile development and testing near Japan.

But what is America doing while all of this is going on? Not a bloody thing!!!!

This American president wants Turkey to be a favored friend because of Trump property in Turkey while Turkey invades Syria. Is genocide under way now in Syria – you tell us…

Trump wants Putin to best buds while Russia continues to make inroads in Ukraine and continues to with a death grip on oil into Ukraine and Europe.

Trump wants to be BFF with Mohammed bin Salman for buying weapons (and whatever else is going on between them), while bin Salman has this perpetual cloud hanging over him with the death of Jamal Khashoggi’s murder.


We could go on and on belaboring the following regarding Trump’s ‘lack of’:

  • mental fitness,
  • global awareness,
  • strategic thinking capabilities,
  • fiscal policy making,
  • political acumen (unless it illegal then he gets an A+),
  • logical thinking capabilities,
  • empathy (such as with Heather Heyer, poverty in America, discrimination that is ongoing every day, genocide of Uighurs in Western China, genocide that is appearing to take place in Syria, inequality, well, the list can keep going),
  • equality (alleged racist views),
  • etc.,
  • etc., etc…..

this list is endless but we have already lost a lot of readers already by this point.

The bottom line is, the American President (yes, a capital ‘P’ is used here because it is NOT talking about Trump) is SUPPOSED to be a global role model, someone that anyone and everyone is willing to follow and WANTS to follow. How does anyone in their right mind want to follow a person who talks about and revels in “grabbing a woman by the _ _ _ _ Y”!!!???? NO-ONE-SHOULD-BE-FOLLOWING-THAT-KIND-OF-PERSON at any time for any sane or moral reason. And all women (and most men) should have been appalled by that alone and put the person who said it on the trash heap without a second thought.

The only kind of person that follows a ‘leader’ like that is if that person already has a decrepit sense of self, with poor moral compasses and where lying, self-aggrandizement, selfishness and corruption are already the person’s bed rock foundation. To top that off, the person who is following that kind of leader may be highly educated as well, who should know better – yet they continue to follow that kind of leader out of a poor sense of direction, by becoming lost somewhere along the lines of their lives.

Because of this current president, in the past few years, how much time and money have we as a country spent trying to prove illegalities and uncover cover ups?


America, Allies and Friends – WE ARE SCREWED allowing leaders like Trump to remain in place. We are doomed to going backwards, reversing DECADES of hard-fought victories against racism and sexism and equality and growth.

We are screwed in lost opportunities of building better and even stronger alliances with partners around the world. Yet MONEY is becoming the driving force with leaders in position who care less about their people and more with lining their own pockets with GOLD.  Look at Erdogan, Putin and Xi – how does a country’s leader become that insanely rich in any legal and logical fashion?

We are screwed in lifting up people from the bottom rungs of society and helping to make them better and crucial members of society but we cannot seem to make health care an affordable staple of their lives – OH, WAIT. We “DID” have that but certain members of our government parties (national to state level) want to continue to whittle away at it until it too is gone.


So, how much longer are people of America going to continue to side with people that only want to have power for themselves and their ‘buds’ while the majority of America continues to suffer with, well, everything…?

This is where you, fellow Americans have to raise your eyes in looking to the future and your voice to bring everyone along for the growth we should have already continued with after 2016.

Now is the time to put a stop to all of the illegal nonsense taking place in America’s government, bring back America’s allies, block and stop the growth of dictators and authoritarian leaders and invest in America’s future (infrastructure, education, the poor, the sickly, the folks of America’s mid-west who feel left out).  We, America, could have infrastructure projects like the old Tennessee Valley Authority to put people to work – roads, bridges, schools, society – if we come together with the same purpose and goal of growing EVERYBODY!!!


Otherwise, well, WE-ARE-SCREWED as a society if we continue to allow individuals like Trump, McConnell (he is added here due to his willingness to block anything and not speak up for what is right), Putin, Xi, Erdogan, Kim Jong Un, and on and on… That is, unless you are one of the “Fake News” followers (or purveyors).


Trump and his Reality Show Love Affairs with Dictators, errr, Leaders

NOTE: Remember, do your own due diligent research and deep critical thinking – think for yourself after hearing commentary from other sources who may or may not be qualified to provide you with the necessary and relevant material/analysis.

Hmmmm, still finding it very, VERY difficult to understand why the people who voted for our American president still want him as the president.

We have a problem in America. We have a president who seems to be on a roll with himself and other heads of states, the wrong kinds of heads of state.

  • Trump: Hey, didja see me with Kim Jong Un?   Done. Check.
  • Trump: Hey, didja see me with Putin in Helsinki? NAILED IT!!! Check.

So, what is next with Trump – maybe Erdogan?

  • Trump: Hey didja see me with Turkey’s dictator, sorry, president (for life) – HEYYY, that is a magnificent mansion you live in… maybe I should have one like that too, paid for by my base (and even those unenlightened people who ‘did not’ vote for me…).

Then too, could Syria’s Assad be in Trump’s sight-line as well, maybe?

  • Trump: Hey didja see me with Assad? He has quite the way of putting down civil disturbances. Why, he even has Putin on his side to help him out…

Trump appears to have no idea as to the magnitude of what he is doing to America; its economics, its educational system, its welfare system, its environment, its, well – I could go on but it is as if the people who need to wake up (Trump’s base and a fairly large number of politicians which is an even larger oddity in itself), they just do not get it. They still want Trump in office when the man should be removed as soon as possible.

It’s likely that Putin is laughing his butt off right now after his ‘summit’ with Trump. (It is also likely that Kim Jong Un is still laughing his little body hard as well, especially after Kim, ahem, theatrically blew up his nuclear reactor site. Many of us know that if the intent was to truly blow up that site, the explosive/kinetic force would have been exponentially much larger than, what was that – blowing up the entry way into the site. Folks, just go back and look at it again through the eyes of a diligent observer and equate the size of the blast with the area that was to be destroyed)

Trump, as it has been stated multiple times today, has basically dismissed the intelligence community’s assessment of Russia. And then had the audacity to say that “we’ve all been foolish about our relationship with Russia.” Has Trump not read ANYTHING over the past 2 decades about Putin and Russia???? One has to wonder if Trump even knows that Putin is a former career KGB officer…

What do we have to do is to get “MORE” people {somehow} to wake up and push a movement to impeach Trump before he causes even more damage to America and the global alliance of allies…

UPDATE: Trump came back and stated, 36 hours later that he ‘did’ agree with our American IC (intel community, of which I was a part of for a while). Interesting….

Lunacy – Politics, Dictators (& Trump) and Race

It is now 2017 and we, as a global people, are facing more and more lunacy in the world.

In Turkey, we have Erdogan who constantly expands his political powers to where it is reaching dictatorial levels. When you:

  • Modify the political system;
  • Suppress journalists, military, educators, other political parties and
  • Control the media

— you are a dictator.

In Venezuela, we have Maduro with his recent critically gained presidency. Currently he is an authoritarian (some of us prefer the term ‘dictator’). He appears to be on a track to continue absorbing more power – by rewriting their country’s constitution, even while it is reported that 98% of the country’s people rejected that idea. Approximately, 3.6 million people voted according to an independent analysis. Here are a few of the actions he, Maduro, has implemented or rather, allowed to take place:

  • delayed elections,
  • jailing of opposition leaders,
  • increasing influence of the army, and
  • efforts by the government-appointed courts to curtail the powers of the opposition-held national assembly.

Note, he has the backing of Russian and Cuban leadership…

In Iran, Hassan Rouhani, won the recent presidential election to continue holding office. One item he ran on was to include women in the cabinet. That, as it turns out, did not occur – it is an all-male cabinet…  That is not progress. He ran on the platform of being a reformist.

In Russia, well, actually, do we need to add anything more on him than what we already know of him (and Medvedev)…? When you:

  • Control the political system (arrest opposition on false charges of embezzlement in order to label the person as a criminal, which under Russian laws, the person cannot run for certain offices);
  • Control the country’s media (to spread whatever propaganda is desired); put in a VPN prohibition (so citizens cannot have secure & private communication with the outside world);
  • Use your police force, your military & intelligence services to force how ‘protest rallies should be held (i.e. maximum of 250 people and constrained to protest only within a few block area)’; and
  • Control state conglomerates in order to line the leadership’s pockets with BILLIONS of dollars (& Swiss Francs, Euros, British Pounds and even Bitcoins)

— if that is not dictatorial, not sure what else it could possibly be.

In China, we have a country that wants to be capitalistic but is still hugely communistic. This is a country that:

  • Is also banning private citizen use of VPNs – sorry, correction, citizens can ‘apply’ for use of a VPN (but that means that citizen would have to provide a back door {or front door} into that VPN’s communication path…
  • Has a Communist party with significant control over the country’s media – with an iron fist.
  • HAS BUILT a man-made island in the South China Seas (Spratly Islands) in order to, ahhh what was it they stated (one reason) – to protect their sovereign rights and regional territories. Remember, that area is a hotly contested area for “centuries” by countries in the area (Taiwan, China, Vietnam, with Malaysia and the Philippines).
  • Wants foreign investors (tech) to give up source code to ensure there is nothing hinky or spying related in order for those foreign firms to do business in China.
  • Still has huge human rights issues (think Falun Gong and {two spellings} Uyghur & Uighur people of western China)
  • Wants to completely take over Hong Kong despite what China promised in 1999 (freedom to continue progressing)
  • Suppresses all (or as much as they can find) negative commentary regarding the country and the political leaders

In America, we have someone who may not be dictatorial but is clearly not of the right mettle (and state of mind) to run a country and grow.When we have:

  • An EPA that is relaxing/eliminating rules/regulations left and right to allow toxins into the air and water, it is a very bad sign.
  • A Dept of Education that believed that HBCUs were a wonderful alternative and is attempting to have more charter schools across the country AND not listening to the educators in her own Department – that is a bad sign for our children and future leaders.
  • An Attorney General that should not have been appointed to being with (there are all kinds of reasons to choose from if you wish to do a little research and analysis of your own) – that is a bad sign for the country’s law enforcement system.
  • A Commerce secretary who wants to relax rules and regulations (just recall the sweat shops and lack of workplace violations of yesterday) – we have a problem in that more business will start doing what they want to do without protecting their employees.
  • A secretary of State who does not talk to his own senior leadership nor allow press conferences – that is a bad omen of things happening behind closed doors.

So, that list could have easily continued but many of you know the shortfalls of our current administration. We now come to our president – a choice that the electoral college should never have made when the popular national vote was overwhelmingly in favor of the other candidate. We have a president who:

  • Listens to select individuals, who may not be qualified to provide those kinds of opinions
  • Says whatever he wishes without ANY deep thoughts or consideration, from what we observe – he likes to gain information and content from Alex Jones
  • Gives oversight and strategic control of the military to the generals – that is a bad idea (extrapolate down the road and into the future – you’ve got a big brain to do so)
  • Is a completely bad and wrong role model for youth growing up, who aspire to be someone important – do we want that kind of leader sprouting up everywhere in 10-20 years…? He is definitely not a role model for many of us.
  • Allegedly cooked the books for his Grand Hyatt hotel partnership in New York in the mid-80s (here is one link but please do your due diligence: – Trump had ordered the Grant Hyatt to change its accounting methods to lower its reported profits. Check out what the city’s auditor general at the time (Karen Burstein) reported. And he, Trump, is well known for stiffing everyone he can, from lawyers to chefs in order to get out of paying for it.
  • Barely raises an eyebrow at the Charlottesville, VA white supremacist rally where James Alex Fields Jr, allegedly killed, via a hit & run, a female pedestrian and injured 19 others (ala, an ISIS style vehicle attack). And if I’m not mistaken, he was on the stage behind  and on Trump’s right at some Trump rally late last year or earlier this year. Some media outlet should do a facial scan for this person in the archives – to see what kind of rally he and his friends were attending.  And also, no, Obama did not raise the white racist, supremacist, Nazi spectre when the idiot, Dylann Roof, shot the people in the church. But that was a different scenario – this time (Charlottesville) it was a massive gathering the day after a Tikki firelight march by, hmmmm, individuals of a certain color. The tension and hatred was already at a known and anticipated high level (witness the police and state trooper presence). The Charlottesville situation was not a surprise but our president only gave a rather tepid response for this mass gathering and protest that many people have likened to Hitler and his brown shirts…

The U.S. has a president that is causing this country to waste more money and time on stupidity and inane actions, not just domestically but globally, than we should have to. NOTHING is really getting done and please do not tell the rest of us that he is bringing back manufacturing jobs, those numbers are not significant, especially not for the long run.


So, with that list above – definitely not an all-encompassing list of lunatic actions around the globe but it seems to be a glide path for disaster if we do not somehow come together to make change happen. Selfish racial beliefs are not beneficial for a society as a whole – it should be societal belief of everyone helping everyone (no, I’m not intimating that we should be become a socialist society, sorry). We should be working, together, around the globe to make life better for everyone. We, the U.S. cannot even:

  • Make health care affordable to everyone, from poor to middle class in this country when there are other countries who are making it work by using one form or another of Universal Health Care or a One Payer system.
  • Improve our infrastructure system.
  • Innovate and improve our educational system so that it is equitable for all, not just pockets of people scattered around the country.
  • And for sure, we are still leap years behind where we should be where it comes to diversity and dropping discrimination of all forms (race, gender, age) to historic lows.

Instead, we, Americans, have a president that seems oblivious to who he has selected to help run the country – oblivious to what he is saying to the world (where he is a laughing stock, check it out) and oblivious to the image he projects to others outside of his base (which appears to be shrinking, finally).

We should still be the leader of the free world, but that may be gone now in no small part due to our leader. And without having that kind of leader status, we may be a contributing (not root) cause to the rise of lunacy in the world – in race, politics and pop-up dictators.