Women AND Men, Unite, Reproductive/Abortion Rights-in EACH State

Well folks, it appears that since a few of the Supreme Court Justices lied about their stance on Roe v Wade and ended up causing the court to throw away that HARD-FOUGHT battle to have Abortion Rights – UNIVERSALLY, across the country.

  • No variation in separate states – all states followed Roe v Wade, whether they liked it or not

And of course, with the court tossing away Roe v Wade so glibly, it caused chaos to ensue with reprehensible and atrocious medical outcomes for many women – with fatalities…

Women, it now seems that you have to unite in each of the 50 states and D.C. to get Abortion Rights on the ballot for your state AND VOTE IT INTO LAW….!!!

Men, ESPECIALLY MEN – YOU MEN, those WITH the RIGHT MINDSET and THINKING CAPABILITY, HAVE TO BE on the side of all women. You MUST help women ensure they have the right to tell doctors, yes, they want the abortion. (We already know that it is tearing up the would-be mother to begin with, to terminate the fetus.) Men, this is the one thing you can truly shine in – making it clear where you stand and who you support.

This is not a politician’s right to tell a woman that she does not matter, nor that what she thinks does not matter to any degree. Or to sit back, smoking a stupidly large stogie (you know the analogy here) in that good ole boy’s club and make an edict – abortion, no abortion – no matter if the fetus is because of your father, your uncle, a criminal? It don’ matter lady. You don’ matter. What we men say goes…. But of course, there are some women siding with these ‘men’. Moms for Liberty…. You know, the group where one of its leaders (for the life of me, I cannot recall her name nor am I able to figure out google or whatever) is at this time being hypocritical…. Three-ways, which often means – bisexuality, for the two women involved that is.

Abortion is entirely and primarily the woman’s ultimate choice to make. And the would-be father or male (or female) companion SHOULD be there to help and support the decision to end a fetus from going further.

This decision is not for politicians to make. And it is certainly not for some religious zealot or group to make for another woman.

But now, since Roe v Wade is kaput, for the time being – we have variation in separate states about abortions – horrible variations. Women in some states:

  • can have abortion
  • cannot have an abortion at any time, unless it was incest or rape
  • cannot have an abortion at any time, unless it could be a pregnancy that ends the mother’s life or
  • cannot have an abortion at any time, for any reason whatsoever

Are we truly forcing women to return to hangers?

To possibly self-inflicted death because they cannot mentally and/or emotionally bear to give birth to a baby that was a result of a rape? By an ignobly, insidious, inconsiderate, irrational father? By the same kind of uncle? By their church pastor – yeah, look it up, that has happened as well – the ‘religious’, holy moly high figures of a church.

Folks, unless the supreme court truly sees the harm they have caused by overturning Roe v Wade and actually do something about it, like RECANT their vote to overturn Roe v Wade – well.


It is up to all of us citizens in every state, district and territory to get Abortion Rights for women on state ballots and VOTE that right BACK INTO LAW.

And yes, I am referring to all of us average Janes and Joes across the country – this is where the power lies. You have the voice and the feet to get to a voting booth to do this.

If Ireland passed a law to allow abortion, guess what – America can do so as well, in each state.

Women of America – You Have Literally Been Screwed by the Supreme Court

We are going back to the 60s again, back alley abortions. All because of the 45th president’s choices for the supreme court, most of whom (I hate to say it but I am saying it) I hope:

  • That they drop on the spot they’re standing on
  • Pass ever so peacefully to their promised land of beauty and love (and hypocrisy)
  • So they may meet their wonderful maker at their desirous pearly gates
    • but since we cannot threaten people with bodily harm, verbally or physically
      • may they drop immediately from an aneurysm… and go happily to their secret garden

But what the heck is going on? Are we about to venture into the NON-delightful world of ‘back alley abortions’ of the 60s / 70s? AGAIN!

We already know Gorsuch and Kavanaugh literally lied about Roe v Wade to the senators in the confirmation hearings… Or rather, they ‘allegedly’ lied about it (psst, it is captured on recordings, you can find it on YouTube – unless you believe in conspiracies and think they are all doctored videos…). And Alito, well – make up your own mind on that individual.

On Thomas, he never should have gotten a seat on the court at all. And this is even more so after what we now know about Ginnie…. There is no doubt that these two ‘do’ talk about some controversial issues.  And yes, there are many couples out there where one has a security clearance or BOTH have a security clearance but in separate areas – who “do not” talk about work related items because they will go to jail if caught.

Folks, especially our sisters, wives, partners, daughters – YOU HAVE TO GET OUT THERE AND VOTE!!! You simply must MAKE the time to vote out those individuals who are causing mayhem in the political and social environments in your community, state and country. You MUST vote these people out of their positions in: State legislature or senate or federal senator or congressman/woman and or Governor.

And you have to use your:

  • brains,
  • common sense,
  • logic

in voting those individuals out who are actually bad for, again, your community, state and country.

You simply CANNOT rely on others to do the voting for you because it just does not work that way.

YOU have to vote and make it count for better men or women to hold office.

Then too, you MUST realize that voting for individuals who follow conspiracy thinking is one of the most egregious (worse) things you could possibly do. Because these individuals will not be working on valid issues but issues that are in rabbit holes – with no relation to what your community needs and/or requires.

You MUST realize that voting for individuals with state and federal convictions (or sometimes even just in prison pre-conviction). Here, look at this one – would you vote for a man who is in prison facing a charge of murdering his wife?

Would you, in your best state of mind vote for individuals who conduct illegal insider trading when those individuals KNOW it is illegal but do it anyway?

Would you vote for or even follow individuals who are convicted of conspiracy and sedition – as some of the January 6, 2021 rioters, oh, wait – I am so sorry – I meant those peaceful people who happened to be at the capitol who were illegally trespassing (not the ones who did the initial breaking and entering)…? But what about those peaceful and lovely folks at the capitol who somehow, somehow managed to cause policemen to die or policemen/women to have serious bodily damage done to them….?  Would you vote for those kinds of individuals…?

We seem to have opened Pandora’s Box to the Future of Hell in America once the 45th president was installed into office. An individual who sees nothing wrong with cutting corner or following wrongful (illegal?) advice from an allegedly odd individual in Stephen Miller. That 45th president, if any of you are willing to go do your own research – you will see the pattern of this individual’s integrity and political mindset, since the early 80s. IT IS ALL THERE for you to see and read. Tell you what, here is one example of Trump’s insidious, deceitful, dishonest moments:

  • The Bonwit Teller building, a luxurious limestone building erected in 1929. The face of the building featured two huge Art Deco friezes that the Metropolitan Museum of Art wanted to preserve. The museum asked Trump to save the sculptures and donate them, and the mogul agreed—as long as the cost of doing so wasn’t too high.
  • But then, according to journalist Harry Hurt III in his book Lost Tycoon, Trump discovered that taking out the sculptures would delay demolition by two weeks. He wasn’t willing to wait. “On his orders, the demolition workers cut up the grillwork with acetylene torches,” Hurt wrote. “Then they jackhammered the friezes, dislodged them with crowbars, and pushed the remains inside the building, where they fell to the floor and shattered in a million pieces.”


So, after doing some of your own research, some soul searching and very, VERY deliberative thinking on your own – many of us really hope you do the right thing and restore democracy to America. Maybe then we can call it the United States.  But we cannot call it the United States right now.

The non-secular population is declining as more people see how logical science is over religion and turning more and more to secular lifestyles.

Abortion rights. Women’s rights.

There is no person on earth who can be the final arbiter of a woman’s decision to have an abortion or not. ONLY that woman has that right. No man or partner can dictate to woman that she cannot have an abortion.

No ‘court’ can dictate to a woman that she MUST carry that pregnancy to fruition! Only that pregnant woman has that decision to make. And to force a woman to carry a non-thinking, non-breathing, non-conscious fetus to birth even if that pregnancy was caused by rape or unwanted incest – that is horrid enough by itself.

— Tell me something Amy Barret, Clarence Thomas, Brett Kavanaugh, Gorsuch, Alito – if your daughter is raped by a criminal (or neighbor from church) – are you going to stand idly by and smile beatifically at that daughter and push her to carry that unwanted pregnancy to fruition…?

I’d bet my soul to hell that you would not. You would covertly and QUIETLY as all get out, to get that daughter on vacation 😉 AS FAST AS POSSIBLE to have that fetus aborted (but then again, I am not religious).

And here is another hypothetical – what if the rapist was, GASP – a person of color, be it:

  • brown,
  • black,
  • Arabic,
  • Mexican,
  • African,
  • African-American
  • you get where I’m coming from.

MOST of you know bloody damn well that these sanctimonious, hypocritical individuals will MAKE that daughter of theirs have a covert abortion…

As it stands – an abortion is a PAINFUL and DIFFICULT ENOUGH of a decision to make and the woman already knows that.

So, all you thinking people of America, vote out these individuals out of office. It is not too late to get back on track to a better future before that 45th president opened Pandora’s Box of loonies to spring forth and cause the harm they are doing.

Because, besides the abortion issue, we also have the supreme court’s ruling on concealed carry. Be ready to duck and cover because there WILL be more guns on the street. And these gun carriers who believe they are protecting themselves JUST MAY end up killing YOU BY ACCIDENT….

We, as a country, cannot safely go forward with this patchwork of wrong individuals in positions of power, holding sway over the majority. That is not what this country was supposed to be working towards. We WERE supposed to be working towards a successful future together, one which Obama tried to kick-start until the Republican party ruined all of his efforts, starting with blocking Obama’s choice of supreme court justice (Merrick Garland).

Now, we have Republican parties throughout the country completely screwing up our progress after the 45th president – Biden is ham strung until YOU ALL GET OUT AND VOTE!

You must. 

Please, you simply must make the effort to get out and vote…. Vote out the incompetent and wrong people in power. Please. Use your brain – think about the future.

Because if you do not think about the future and the future of those around you and behind you – we will all just continue down the slide to a world most of us will not want to live in. It will not be a better place for your children and grand-children.

But here is the kicker, if you believe your vote does not matter in your state – LEAVE, IF YOU CAN. MOVE to a better state and start a better life. Let the state you left behind start to rot from brain drain and the flow of better people moving to states that welcome and deserve them.

When your old state realizes the damage they have done to themselves, they will see how harmful the impact is, to them. But YOU will be doing better elsewhere.

Please – if you are able to – leave your backwards thinking state. But note, the outbound brain drain flow may take a few years to fully kick in. And if you leave your state, remember to change your drivers’ license as soon as possible. But if you are UNABLE to leave your state and are forced to carry a fetus to birth – find a way to get to the homes of:

  • Amy Barret,
  • Clarence Thomas,
  • Brett Kavanaugh,
  • Gorsuch and / or
  • Alito

and drop off these justices’ little bundle of joy they steps for those of you who ARE going to be forced to carry, at their doorstep – in a box, with a note saying “here is your baby you wanted me to carry”. Use the Safe Haven Law / Act (please look it up).

And note – DO NOT dump the current president, it is NOT his fault, his hands are tied by republican parties and groups around the country. The presidents’ ability to do anything will not change until YOU vote these bad, wrong individuals OUT OF POWER.

The Taliban, errr – sorry, ‘American Right’ Are Coming for YOU… (part 1 of 2)

Is That What’s Really Happening….

Note, I wrote this in a rush to get it somewhat off my brain to get back to some other tasks I need to do, so please bear with me for this article, I may come back to polish it up more but you will get the gist of it hereThat is, if I can put with WordPress’ pathetic mode of editing

To be clear, this does not extend to all Republicans, or folks on the Right – there are some that are very decent and very democratically oriented. This is primarily aimed at the, ummm – more outer edge and QAnon type ‘Right’.

But. We do have quite a significant number of Conservative Republicans – men (mostly men), women, white (mostly white), black (interestingly), yellow, brown, red, straight (mostly) and a few gay (again, interestingly) – that are quite puritanical and religiously oriented about how ALL Americans should behave and act.

Because of the “Draft” Overturn of Roe v Wade from the Supreme Court, the country has gone into banana mode, led by McConnell and some of his buddies and their red state legislators. I am not even including Trump in this, he is just too far off the rails to be considered sane.

This has finally led me to believing that America is being led astray by a LOUD minority of folks in this country. Here, let’s compare a few things and you make up your own mind – AFTER you do your own research AND your own thinking OUTSIDE of all conspiracy circles and Facebook siloes.
YOU need to do the deep soul searching and information content on your own and by yourself first before coming back to debate/discuss it with others.

(Apologies on the table formatting, it did not come across as in the original paper)

Taliban EdictsRepublicans’ Wet Dreams
Women cannot drive long distances without a guardian (this means a male, of any age), since the Taliban believes women need to be overseen at all times and have no say in anything.
And if there is no guardian and the woman does so, the guardian (man or boy) will be paid a visit by the Taliban.      

Women will not be educated beyond grade school (upper education schools are being shut down or already shut down – May 2022)

Women will cover their faces at all times in public and on TV        

Women are not equal to men and never will be        

Religion shall be all about Allah – no other religion will be practiced or allowed                  

Adultery – beaten via the Sharia mechanism or even stoned to death    

Taliban want supreme control over everything

* Women will be banned from any abortion, regardless of rape or incest
* Women will be banned from leaving the state for abortions
* Women will be banned from receiving abortion medication
* Women will be forced to endure the unwanted, repugnant pregnancy, whether they like it or not – even if they were raped by their FATHER or UNCLE or a LUNATIC criminal
* Women will have no right regarding pregnancy, except to deliver the baby

Education will be led by the conservative republicans, there will be:
* no gay subject matter for grade school;
* no anti-racist material in schools;
* no critical race theory will be taught in grade school, high school or college
* meaning – republicans really do not want future generations to learn about racist attitudes of the past (and today) nor any horrific activities that their ancestors undertook (lynchings and raids and firebombing towns and outright murder – even tar and feather) to quelch ANY kind of equality and continue to suppress anyone of color and gender
* Conservative republicans want to continue to whitewash history, especially in Texas;
* removing any kind of racist horrors and history from ALL text books in grade / high school – leaving only some kind of puffery (and a very short blurb at that) regarding that time in history.
* Then when these school kids become adults and move to another state – the adult who grew up in a state whitewashing history becomes horrified (the smart liberal ones at any rate) to learn that they were taught partial history (or none) which was covered up rather than the full and complete atrocities that were done
* The Japanese tried this years ago regarding the murder, raping, looting, and burning in the Chinese city of Nanjing (then known as Nanking) in 1937   

Next will be what kind of clothing women and young people are allowed to wear in American schools – there have already been multiple cases of what kind of hair styles boys and girls in school are allowed to have – which all ended up backfiring    

And yes, women of America, many men still want to suppress you to this day – primarily white men
* There are still TOO MANY men who do not want to see women earning as much as or more than they earn and many of the men do NOT want you in positions of power
* This is where I fail in my comprehension – with the suppression of female equality, ESPECIALLY amongst white women – there are STILL so many white women who will gloss over this and continue to be suppressed and not want equality as other women do  

Religion – the vast majority of republican conservatives want there to be god everywhere and in everything we do. Even though science continues to disprove nearly everything brought up. For the first 20 years of my life, all religious talk was about how the world was only 6,000 years old. You do not hear that any more… People can believe whatever they wish to believe but they CANNOT CONTINUE TO FORCE RELIGION on those who do not believe… Nor force any non-religious individuals to heel to ANY religious ways of life…      

Women get the short end of the stick in America because they cannot just go enjoy sex the way many corrupt, philandering men do…  

Mostly white men want to regale supremely over all non-white men in America:
* the militias want their weapons to fend off future attacks by uprising blacks and browns and China (which is simply all crazy)
* SUNDOWN Towns want to continue to exist by ‘persuading’ non-whites to not stay in their towns overnight
* the KKK still wants to come back to power and then there are
* the neo-Nazis who also want to be the power brokers of America to save the pureness of the white lineage (hint – bad news for ya folks, many of you have mixed blood in your ‘pure lineage’)  

And because American Red states want to dictate what should be primary and final determinations for pregnancy and abortions.  The problem here is, the final decision regarding a pregnancy abortion is ultimately up to the woman – she is the SOLE arbiter of what should happen. It is HER decision to live with for the rest of her life – no one, not religious or atheist, not conservative or liberal should tell any woman what she should do. In the end, it is up to her, not the woman’s parents; not the husband or boyfriend – but the pregnant woman.

So, it will be pretty simple for women who are doomed in their home red state and cannot afford to do anything.

  1. Miscarriage – easiest answer and I really hate to say it but this may be the woman’s only option – but remember, too many precious women may die and have died over the decades because of getting rid of an unwanted fetus (a non-breathing, non-thinking, non-conscious entity)
  2. Have the baby, put it in a box and leave the box on the doorstep (not at any church or fire station) of your favorite Associate Judge of our “Supreme Court” – Judge Amy (not the t.v. star), Judge Kavanaugh, Judge Gorsuch or everyone’s beloved (not) Alito and not to forget Judge clarence. But, you need to take precautions (which I would do if I were a woman and had to be forced through this nightmare):
    • Use a box with no markings to indicate you
    • Wear surgical gloves when handling the box and the baby – leave no DNA and to hide your skin color
    • Put the baby in the box wrapped up in a blanket with a note for Auntie Amy, I mean Judge Amy
    • Wear two sets of clothing – one for bagginess to cover the set underneath and you must wear a Burka, damn, sorry – a hoody and keep it down
    • Have a spare pair of shoes to switch to after you drop off the box with the baby
    • Avoid as many cameras as possible
    • After doing the drop, find a safe, dark/deserted spot blocks away – outside of camera view – switch clothing and shoes and put them in a trash can, keep the gloves on and later dispose of them somewhere else
  3. These are things are what I would do, not saying you should do them – besides, doing the drop on these associate judges door steps should be a dear thing of god that these justices would want, right, leaving the babies with someone who would love them – it should be as legal as dropping the baby box at a fire station or church – correct….???

But this is what we face, red states – that want to dictate and force people to do things the person does not want to do. Yes, the pandemic forced people to get vaccinated because that affects EVERYONE around them, not just the person refusing to get the shot. I wish we had some kind of mechanism to track how many people died because the “hands off my body anti-vaxxer” refused to get vaccinated…?

  1. hundreds
  2. thousands
  3. 10’s of thousands…?

Because of refusing to get the vaccine, many anti-vaxxers / hands-off my body individuals caused others to get sick and die. Or they caused people who needed to be hospitalized for other issues – heart attack, liver transplant, cancer surgery – to not undergo surgery in a timely manner and then died.

The pandemic was a different animal – that affected everyone – forcing a woman to retain and undergo a pregnancy is an individual issue. A woman who is pregnant and wants an abortion does not cause anyone who is a living, breathing, thinking and conscious entity any kind of physical pain. It ‘might’ cause emotional distress but that is the price the religious pay for following a god.

What a pregnant woman decides in the end, that is her business and does not affect how anyone else’s life, that is – anyone breathing, thinking and conscious continues.

And remember, this “abortion ban” – this is only the prelude to more attempted restrictions or bans. Such as banning mixed race marriage, where others like my wife and I would “not” be able to get married in the future. The Loving’s work to get legally married would have become a terrible wasted effort…

A huge hurdle and effort, wasted – gone, because too many Americans chose not to stand up to Trumpist’s, Trumpism and narrow-minded bigots and white supremacy wannabes…

The Voices of Women – Meaningless? And the Erosion of Democracy…

Apologies to the length of this writing (this is TL;DR for some) but Trump, Kavanaugh, McConnell, Flake, Collins, Hatch, Graham, Manchin and injustice is making life, well, Topsy-turvy to be polite…

Well. It appears that the voices of women mean nothing where it is most important – in sexual assaults (and in every day life to be fair). Even if an event happened 30+ years ago, the voice and statements of a woman are still important.

As of today, Saturday – Oct 6, 2018, America has voted onto the Supreme Court an individual with more divisiveness; with a more controversial background than Clarence Thomas had.

I’m a guy and what women say IS important, always!

That is, until it is proven it is not true. But, where it is ambiguous and no concrete evidence can be found, many of us will side with the woman – not just give lip service and say ‘we believe her’ as certain members of Congress have done (so the congressional members can retain their positions of power in their home state/district). What a woman says can make a difference. In many of the sexual assaults it is primarily a crime not witnessed by others and that is why the victim does not come forth and the guy gets away with it. (Sometimes, sometimes, yes indeed – there are women who also commit sexual assaults, it is just not that many.) And Trump – making an outlandish tweet that young men should be scared is ridiculous. No young men should be assaulting women in the first place (that goes for older men as well).

In America, or rather parts of America – certain Americans have decided that a man with a blemished background and temperament can be put into a position of significant influence and power. Certain Americans have placed an individual with what appears to be a highly tainted past onto the highest court, a court which now will be looked at for every decision it makes for the next 30 years with a jaundiced eye.

All because an individual who was put into the White House due to many electoral college members deciding that this person was the best choice for America in 2016. Trump.

If this Supreme Court vote turned your stomach, you had best “get your butt off the couch and go vote” in the NEXT SEVERAL voting turnouts, for the next couple of decades! The mid-terms, primaries, all of them. This will be the only way to restore some semblance of sanity to America.

Because if you do not, we, America, will be doomed and damned!  Are you one of the people looking to return to the ‘Dark Days’ of yesterday when only the males of one race had the power to lord over everyone else of a different color and all women? Do you really want to return to the days of suppression and repression…?

More and more pieces of democracy (not talking about the democratic party here, just democracy) will be chipped away as they are being done today. More “socialist” programs will be lost for years, if not decades until we can return to the path of growth and equality that we were on until Trump was put into the White House. And what I mean by socialist programs are:

  • fire departments (think you don’t need this socialist program when your home catches fire)
  • libraries (not everyone has high speed internet or even computers at home)
  • police departments (what happens when your local police department is gone and you need law enforcement)
  • schools (everyone needs to seriously consider removing Betsy D. from the dept of education…)
  • hospitals
  • social security (what are you going to do when you are older and have no money to rely on)
  • should I go on….?

Socialist programs, today, in 2018, are meant to help everyone, not just the poor and downtrodden – the programs are meant to make the lives of everyone easier,  better and safer.

This is how Hitler grew into power. Think about that – think long and hard – do your ‘own’ thinking. Over several years, Hitler and the people around him whittled away at more and more programs until they gained power – a vise grip on EVERYTHING! (There are some who say this erosion actually started right before Hitler came into the picture – but we all know for fact, Hitler destroyed democracy in Germany.) And what was the result of that, guess! Extermination of massive numbers of the Jewish race, in multiple countries (Poland, Germany, France, Austria and more). The Holocaust was the ultimate disgrace to democracy. Things started out small in Germany and many of the Germanic race were happy and fine that Hitler was looking out for them. Hitler was going to “Make Germany Great Again!But then when it was too late to do anything, such as removing Hitler, Himmler, Goering and others of the SS and the Nazi party – it was far, far too late.

Now, this is not saying Trump is a Nazi but – he is providing a helping hand in the destruction of the American way of life and all of its democracies. Trump has enabled the worse of the worst to come forth (recall the nighttime ‘Tiki Torch’ parade). Trump has unleashed the hounds of hell, to put it mildly, to come out of the wood-works and raise pure hell. Look at:

  • early February 2017 where the House and Senate voted to repeal the so-called “stream protection rule”- Coal companies now have a freer hand in dumping mining pollutants into streams
  • the white nationalist rally incident in Charlottesville, VA where Heather Heyer was killed
  • Chris Collins and his insider trading on the lawn of the White House – how brazen was that?
  • Many of the cabinet members Trump installed and the self-aggrandizement these individuals did while in power – sound-proof phone booth in his office (guess who that was);
  • Expensive furniture, what was it, ~$31,000 for his office – you know who this was, the man qualified to run HUD because he grew up in the projects (I grew up in the projects too)…
  • Zinke of the Interior Department and his sell off of federal lands
  • The black protestor who was sucker-punched by a white man in the stands at a Trump rally in Fayetteville (and trump said he would pay the legal fees for the puncher)
  • we could go on and on with this list…

The point is, if Americans do not come to their senses and stop this extreme political partisanship, we will continue going down the rabbit hole of more:

  • hate crimes – racially & religiously motivated
  • individuals like Michael Gerard Grimm, former congressman & former FBI, who threatened to throw a reporter off the balcony – a reporter who was doing his job (after his prison term for that, Grimm had the audacity to try running again for public office)
  • corruption – how can people follow the law when the law makers and peace keepers are the ones causing this corruption and excess to continue – so they can feel powerful and make money in many cases for doing so
  • erosion of public lands for corporate revenue – oil exploitation, so that oil companies can continue to make large pools of revenue before the clean energy wave really kicks in and fossil fuel use will be a money pit
  • inequalities – women and racial – women and those of different skin colors doing the same job as men of a certain color “SHOULD BE PAID EQUALLY” for doing the same job
  • anti-discrimination against new immigrants to America – and we all know this is how America started
  • to name a few….

What do we need to do people? You all have to use your head and think!!!!

You have to perform research and think and talk about your actions before you do them! You cannot just listen to unqualified individuals who spout hate and conspiracy theories. You must do your own thinking, it is what makes you “you”!

So, what are you thinking? Are you thinking things in the political environment are going in the right direction?

Are you thinking Trump is making America great – when he raises tariffs, the ultimate cost is on you, the American citizen because you will be the one paying more for the products with the tariffs. 

Do you think the tax cut he instituted was wonderful? Well – continue thinking about that when your local services (any or all of them) are cut or eliminated due to your city budget does not have enough revenue – ‘because of that tax cut’.

What about clean air and clean water? Think your kids are going to be able to run around as you did years ago but now the air and water are more polluted (remember, the coal mine dumping above and the Trump administrations’ attempt to relax car emissions letting car makers off the hook…)

Use your brains. Think about the future. You cannot just think about yourself because you do not like gays or dark skinned people. You cannot say “hey, my religion is the foremost important thing in the world” when other people believe in a different religion. Do not make a mistake, as an American and a global citizen – I. DO. NOT. WANT Sharia Law anywhere near America.

Ultimately, what is being stated here is that Americans need to be better.

  • Give women their voices – it is hard enough to come forward publicly as it is
  • Think about unity, amongst all Americans (i.e. why do we still have Sundown towns in parts of America? Why do we still have so many skinhead/white nationalist/white supremacist groups around the country?)

Because America has to come together again and be a “United States” and grow stronger and be better as a country for itself. As well as in the face of rising problems with:

  • Russia’s Putin doing the meddling he is doing globally and
  • China doing what they are doing – attempting to force people / countries to kowtow to them; giving China hemispheric power to do what they wish, such as build man-made islands in the South China Seas and claim more of the region as belonging to them (we could discuss the Uighurs and the police state they are living under as well as the great firewall of China as well as internet and public censorship so the Chinese citizens have no voice and are unable to vote politicians out of power – these are big stories on their own…)

We are losing the luster of being a world leader because we do not have any serious diplomatic power. Who do we have that is a shining star in the world of diplomacy? Our ‘leader’ in the White House is not one who has great powers of diplomacy. He is continually causing America to devolve into a laughing stock of the world every time he utters a sentence or disseminates a tweet.

We are a country where it is now up to the states to institute clean air and clean water and equality for all. That is, those states with a forward looking mindset for the next 10 – 30 years…



Mitch McConnell – Supreme Court & the American People Having a Choice…?

Hmmm, this will be one my shortest posts.

Mitch McConnell, you continue to spout off about letting the American People choose the next Supreme Court nominee.

Mitch McConnell, since when has the American People “EVER” chosen a Supreme Court nominee?  Have you been partaking of water, spirits or illicit drugs in conceiving that nonsense about us, the American People choosing a nominee?

If the American People ever did choose a nominee, you, Mitch McConnell, will likely be the first one to block that choice should it not dovetail nicely with any of your Machiavellian  schemes / plots. 

Mitch McConnell, I will not call you any kind of name, that is not what open minded, free and independent thinkers do. That is (or should be) beneath us. Maybe individuals from the Trump side of the house would oblige in that sort of tripe. We, open minded and blinder-free individuals, see what the options are and make informed opinions. We do our own research as much as possible.

  • We do not listen to only one anchor / tv host / radio host and
  • We certainly do not watch/listen to only one TV station from fear of corrupting our mindset or personal filters of the world at large

Mitch McConnell, if we, the American People had a choice in the matter, we would do our own due diligence, just as you should be doing, in making any ‘possible’ choice.

Too bad that the “American People” do not have a choice or hand in the matter of choosing a Supreme Court nominee…

This is likely to get some flack from certain groups of people out there and it is most unfortunate. Instead of having true debates, discussions and free flow of ideas – too many individuals in our country (and in the world) have deep seated fears of change. These individuals do not want progress and devolve/resort to name calling, threats and even illegal bodily harm. These individuals, you can figure out who they are, want to go back to a time of distinct separation, discrimination and suppression in order to gain the superiority they gained by doing what is today – illegal.

People! 2014 Elections for Those who Did and Did Not Vote – We are SCREWED…

Okay, 2014 election results. Not good. Of course, it does depend on which perspective you are looking from and through which rose colored glasses you are looking through.

 It seems that people did get out and vote – that is, SOME people got out and voted. And yet again, another year where MANY eligible voters DID NOT GET OFF THEIR HINNIES AND VOTE!!

Am I ticked off, yes, I am. We, as a country, could have had much, much better results from our November 4, 2014 elections.

Now, we will continue to face horrendous voting restrictions for a great number of people, specifically where governors stated there have been many cases of voting fraud when in fact – it was not true.

We will still see many more situations where women will not have free choice with their body. And yes, say it – abortions and birth control measures. Planned Parenthood and other clinic shutdowns…

We will continue seeing K – 12 education highly screwed up – funding and quality of education – FOR ALL PEOPLE, not just the privileged, well to do and those of certain backgrounds and neighborhoods.

You do not need me to elaborate any more than that. We ‘may’ continue to see education dumbed down with no national standard. A standard ensures that if a family moves to any other state in the country, that family can be assured that their child or children can readily pick up where they left off back home, rather than going into a system where the students in the ‘new’ school district are further behind OR very far ahead of their own children.


Come on people, many more of you all were supposed to become more civic minded and vote. More of you should have been HIGHLY motivated to vote to change the abysmal or dismal conditions many of you find yourselves in.

But it seems that many of you DID NOT GET OUT AND VOTE!!!

This 2014 mid-term election cycle was supposed to be another catalyst for change from the way things are going in this country. We were going to work on the horrific amount of money going into all the various elections.

As you know, the amount of money going into politics has become unbelievable. The U.S. Supreme Court does not seem concerned enough to know that they may have made a mistake in sending Citizens United on with a pass and allowing virtually unlimited amounts of cash to slosh around politics via so, so many venues of open and dark money outlets.

Do not be mistaken, the average person with a decent education, job and background – that average person IS locked out of raising “a decent amount of money” to enter politics and win and be a voice for their constituents.

We will continue to see all these politicians spending so much of their time raising money for their campaigns (and lucrative war chest for AFTER they leave politics) rather than working harder for the people in their communities, districts and states.

People! You could have made an immediate impact from this point on by GETTING OUT TO VOTE – but, you did not. 

We could have started changing the sadly bad trajectory this country is on. But, instead, we now have:

  • A politician who cut taxes for the state, drastically to the point where the state is in a blood red hole – and oh yeah, the education system’s finances were gutted to stupid levels
  • Another politician who believes people should be able to take up arms against legally federalized officers of the U.S. government (kinda sounds like a Sovereign Citizen type individual instead of a clear headed politician)
  • Another politician in a southern state who implemented draconian voting restrictions
  • A politician who managed to get unions reduced to, well, nothing – no bargaining powers, no teeth to have any kind of effective negotiations for their members – all the while that state clamped down on what people can earn AND this politician has aspirational aims of someday running for president…
  • Another, sheesh, you get my drift – I could go on and on and on with other examples of politicians going back to the nation’s capital but they should have been booted out

We needed more people in office who are collaborative and willing to compromise to get things done.

And yes, we actually need to spend more money to improve things NOW instead of waiting another decade to spend the money when it is ALWAYS more prohibitively expensive to make changes and fixes.


There were quite a few people and organizations in this country that tried to get people out to vote and to vote with their head and what is right for the country, not just a few of the well to do or people of certain walks of life or even skin color.

But, it seems many people voted after paying more attention to rabble rousers who blatantly stoop to using a great deal of innuendo, veiled slurs and outright lies against others – just to gain YOU as a listener to their vitriolic conversations instead of truths and actual facts.

Again, yes, you can listen to whomever but PLEASE do your own research too. Listen to more and different viewpoints, different TV and radio stations – get as many DIVERSE viewpoints as you can, even if they are hard to listen to or to stomach.

Only by listening to multiple channels of information can you make an informed decision. Listening to one TV outlet or a single radical radio station or reading a niche newspaper is not the way to informed decision making.

It seems that many voted without using their own wonderful brain and critical thinking and analytical capabilities.

And, I am truly willing to bet that quite a few of those who DID deem it important enough to vote did not do their own fact checking and research. Nor did too many people (out of the eligible millions), I wager, debate things, not argue, with others around them. Debate and discuss with people who are of different make-ups, you know, different:

  • Race,
  • Age/Generation,
  • Gender,
  • Education,
  • Income brackets,
  • etc., etc., etc.

JUST others who are different and diverse from you for an open and honest debate… 

So now, well, again – WE ARE SCREWED for the next two years. That of course is just my own opinion but we, as a country, get those in office who have no head for:

  • Fairness,
  • Science,
  • Forward thinking,
  • Logic,
  • Equitable politics and
  • Getting the important things completed and not just getting the job done for those who pay the most or are the most vocal (read as extreme).

People! Take a truly critical look at who was voted into office and what they did for their states, their districts and what their endgame could be. There are many politicians who are not interested in fully representing their complete constituencies. Those politicians are really only interested in working on representing a small percentage of the total. The small percentage of the total encapsulates the highly vocal minorities and very well to do.

Many of us will be simply amazed if anything of a significant nature will get done in the next two years, after the past six years of blocking a President primarily because of his skin color.

What will happen to certain politicians if the next President is a woman…? Will you go ballistic and implode? Will you want to start the process all over again, that of taking your ball home and sulking in the corner instead of ACTUALLY WORKING on things for the future and progress of the entire country?


We, Americans, only gain the politicians who we vote for, that is, if you made the effort to vote and voting critically instead of selfishly.  



People! Please – Get Out and VOTE – Make a Difference…

It does not matter if you are conservative or liberal.

It does not matter if you are poor or middle income.

It does not matter if you are a high school dropout (for whatever significantly important reason you had) or a highly educated person with one or two PhD’s.

It does not matter if you are a woman, man, or teenager (of voting age).

It does not matter if you are blue, orange, black, brown or white or whatever color you are or represent.

GET OUT AND VOTE! And not just for a Presidential election but for all elections; in your community, your county and your state elections too.

Get out and vote and make a difference. If you wish to make a change in government; local, state or federal – get out and vote.

If you are disenfranchised for whatever reason, the only way change is going to happen is if you GET OUT AND VOTE!


If you are facing horrendous voting restrictions – get out and vote somehow and use your power of the vote to make changes for the future.

If you are facing situations where you cannot control your own destiny, your own body – get out and vote to change that situation.

If you are in a situation where education is or becoming compromised because of the way a vocal few dictates (or attempting to dictate) what you learn – get out and vote. Use YOUR knowledge and education to make a difference (check out the Colorado school district where the board wanted to, well, basically, water down our controversial and at times violent past and only teach the ‘positive’ things of the U.S.).


Come on people, how do we, as a community, get the vast majority of Americans (naturally born and naturalized) to become more civic minded and vote? How do we motivate you, even if you do have hardship conditions to vote in – how can we collectively get the vast amount of eligible voters to GET OUT AND VOTE?


If you want to change the way things are going in this country, such as the horrific amount of money going into all the various elections – GET OUT AND VOTE! The amount of money going into politics has become unimaginable. Ever since our U.S. Supreme Court saw fit, in their inestimable intelligence, to allow virtually unlimited amounts of cash to slosh around politics via so, so many venues of open and dark money outlets – it appears to be locking out the average citizen to raise money to enter politics and be a voice heard for their constituents.

Many in politics now seem to spend a great of time attempting to raise money for their campaigns rather than working harder for the people in their communities, their districts and states. That to me, seems rather a sad farce to all Americans – that many of our political leaders act out of tantrums because they cannot “always” get some issue their way.


People! Please, make a difference from this point on, GET OUT AND VOTE!

We need to change the sadly bad trajectory this country seems to be on. We need to make America stronger and not some divisive or fractured groups of people living in various parts of the country.

We need to bring people closer together rather than going further apart. We have too many militias who want to bring anarchy if they can. We have Sovereign Citizens who want their own strange world. We STILL HAVE Nazi wannabes in different communities of the country.

Education believe it or not will bring people together. We have to gain a society of more educated people, of all ages and eliminate all the many pockets of educational disparities. We have to bring better schools to all communities – hopefully this will stop the insane movement of self-segregation that has been occurring around the country. We were supposed to be moving forward, integrating people into all walks of life for a better future, yet we seem to be going in reverse in so many ways.


And vote with your head. Use your own brain and the great thoughts you have formed on your own.

Stop listening to rabble rousers who are not using facts but instead are using innuendo, veiled slurs and outright lies against others – just to gain YOU as a listener to their vitriolic conversations. Sure, you can listen to whomever but do your own research too. Listen to others of different parties, different TV and radio stations – get as many DIVERSE viewpoints as you can, even if they are hard to listen to or to stomach.

Only by listening to multiple channels of information can you make an informed decision. Listening to one TV outlet or a single radical radio station or reading a niche newspaper is not the way to informed decision making.

Listen to or watch or read: FOX, CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, BBC, Al-Jazeera, Washington Post, N.Y. Times, L.A. Times, Wall Street Journal, The Oregonian, and several of the many news and talk show radio programs. Even if it is at times just flat out difficult.

Then do your own fact checking and research. Then, do your own critical thinking. Debate it with others around you – not just the like-minded who are the same as you (same race, same age, same educational level), but others who are diverse or different from you. I did not say foolishly argue or get into name calling but true, honest debate.

Then and only then, make an informed decision.

Because, otherwise, you “will” wind up with someone in office who has no head for: fairness, science or for equitable politics and getting the important things completed and not just getting the job done for those who pay the most or are the most vocal (read as extreme).


People! Do yourself and your great-grandchildren a favor.



50 years later & SCOTUS – We’ve Failed…

Really? Really!!!

Okay, 50 years later and SCOTUS (supreme court of the US) has apparently failed people of the U.S., those who are morally inclined for doing the right thing for the many and not just the vocal. 

Religion, as I know it, is a private affair and as such should never play a part in local, state or federal government. Yet, it does.

Yes, when this country was formed, people knew less about science but they knew more about racism, bigotry, suppression, oppression, sexism, discrimination – well, should I continue on…?

My point is, is that this country has changed over a couple of centuries – at least a little bit – and the world has changed. It is supposed to be for the better, not in taking strides to go backwards. 

Yet, this is what the SCOTUS is doing, with their latest decision for Hobby Lobby and contraception, causing us to go backwards in our nations’ progress. That decision was a slippery slope (Justice Ginsburg and Hillary Clinton both stated that). That decision is going to open up a Pandora’s Box of more discrimination across the country – no service for gays, attempts to do away with minimum wage, etc., etc., etc.

Nia-Malika Henderson wrote a great piece on this topic: How Justice Ginsburg’s Hobby Lobby dissent helps shape the debate about reproductive vs. religious rightswww.washingtonpost.com/blogs/she-the-people/wp/2014/07/01/how-justice-ginsburgs-hobby-lobby-dissent-helps-shape-the-debate-about-reproductive-and-religious-rights/ Jul 1, 2014


Religion as I understand it, and no disrespect, is that if individuals want to practice any religion, they are free to do so, as long as they are not forcing others to see it or be an unwilling participant. For example, those of us who may be atheist or agnostic – are forced to handle currency with “In God We Trust” or to see it in courtrooms and/or other public governmental institutions.

If one wants to practice their religion – don’t make everyone around you be unwilling (or unwitting) participants. Hobby Lobby, in its zeal wants to implement their religious belief on their thousands of employees and not all of them are religious, just because they work at Hobby Lobby. For those of you who say ‘maybe those employees who don’t like it should get another job elsewhere,’ – what do you know of the plight of those workers? Do you know how easy or difficult it will be for the Hobby Lobby employee to ‘easily’ move on to another job, one that is as good paying (hopefully) as the one they are leaving?

Why are people trying to force religious beliefs on others? Why aren’t the religious, those that are trying to spread religion, letting the non-religious go about their business in peace? Not allowing the non-religious (or even the willing religious) to partake of something like contraception is somewhat abysmal and akin to Sharia Law. Yep, I did say Sharia Law because that what it boils down to when one wants to put their religious stamp on others who do not want to participate.

If one is religious that is fine, you can believe the world was created 6,000 years ago that is quite up to you. There are even those who believe that mankind domesticated dinosaurs but there are no dinosaur fossils (T-Rex, Stegosaurus, Brontosaurus, etc.) as young as 6,000 years old.

But for some people, they believe in the science of the world being created hundreds of millions of years ago (and more) with the human race evolving over the past several million years, with fossils to prove it (Australopithecus, homo habilis, homo erectus, neanderthals, homo sapien, etc.) – that is, if one believes in carbon dating as many do.

We have got to separate and remove religion from politics and government, we have to.


The Supreme Court has been making decisions they believed were helping but in fact are actually hindering and causing us to become a have and have not country.

A case in point, the Citizens United decision, where more money can be dumped into politics – that is simply bad but many people seem to believe it is a good idea. It is not.

If those with the most money influences (and dictates behind the scenes) political events and issues because of that vast wealth being sent in at fire hose torrent speeds, the less wealthy will feel the effects and suffer accordingly. This is akin to going back to the robber baron days where the rich were the one’s setting the rules and regulations, the poor “be damned!”

Now of course, not all rich are as maliciously inclined to gobble up all they want with scant disregard to the ‘little people’ or the ’47 percent.’ There are many altruistic wealthy folks, just not enough to overcome the non-altruistic…


And the voting rights issue, it is bad enough that we have the problem of political gerrymandering compounding every single problem facing us. Because the SCOTUS knocked down sections of the VRA, we are at this cliff drop off of states making sweeping changes to hinder and impede the votes of certain people. And using the fear of voting fraud in certain conversations keep cropping up, yet, there is very little fraud…

Please do your own wide research on this, “do not” just go to one news outlet and read content there – READ & RESEARCH FROM MULTIPLE, VARIED SOURCES!” Otherwise, you will doom your own knowledge and filter only on what you want to read rather than other varying opinions, which ‘may’ help you to form newer, better and more knowledgeable opinions.

If some of the states wanting to implement some of the draconian voting laws, why not make it easier for the people? Why not put into effect, mobile voter registration vehicles where the vehicle can go to different communities on a rotating basis to let those folks register? This would alleviate the commuting people for many of these folks… right…?

The SCOTUS, in their great wisdom, in cutting out parts of the VRA allowed many states to modify and cripple voting for quite a few citizens.

Overall, the SCOTUS has failed. They have failed, more than likely, in using their personal values rather than logical and contemplative reasoning to decide momentous decisions that spread far and deep into the future.

So ultimately, we, the people of the U.S. have failed along with the Supreme Court. Why? Because we get who we vote for in the political arena. If one votes for a vitriolic individual who refuses to compromise, poo-poos any real science and looking to establish extreme measures to resolve some problem – that is who goes onward doing things many people dislike. 

Subsequently, these individuals in office, they are the ones who go on to decide in some form or fashion the types of people who serve on boards, committees and institutions like the Supreme Court. People like members of the SCOTUS make decisions, which extrapolated out into the future, can cause chagrin, harm and little progress.

We failed because too many people are too short-sighted and use things like gender discrimination or religion, a hugely personal belief, in attempting to brand everyone around them with the same philosophy or belief – whether others want it or not.

SIDEBAR: On the topic of gerrymandering, we have to stop it and stop it now or else we will just see, for the long haul, political parties no longer having truly competitive races with continual gridlock at every turn. We need an independent organization that is bi-partisan to create new district lines in every state, a system that is fair and equitable and not one where we have: “okay, this group here is fine, they will vote for democrats at every election” and “this group over there is fine, they are all one race and wealthy, they will only vote for one party forever.”

Why can’t we stop this gerrymandering nonsense, it is at the heart of political gridlock….!!!??? Or are we doomed to having one party or the other, because of gridlock, blocking commonsense changes and progress for everyone…?

NOTEABLES: To obtain medical supplies dependent on your employer’s beliefs and desires, who in Hades and/or in their right mind would want to do that?

To allow the rich to dictate (again) the direction of politics and societal norms (if we have any left) – who in their right mind would want that?

To allow states to hobble the voting activities of many of their citizens because it would make the voting more slanted towards one party, well, that is just so disingenuous…

Maybe the worst of all, having men decide what is right and best for women and their productive organs (their bodies) – that is simply unbelievable of the utmost magnitude.

Solutions for inequities, religious superiority (anywhere in the world) and other discriminations:

Many of us are as stumped as anyone else, successful and resourceful answers are difficult and difficult to implement once found. There are too many people who are too dogmatic in their beliefs and refuse to modify their beliefs – even if you put illuminative and very verifiable evidence on their plate in front of them, served up with a heaping bounty of ‘no guilt’ and complete lack of finger pointing.

We just do not seem to have enough people in this country (or around the world) who are looking past their own nose, their own short-sightedness and looking down the road to the future as to what will be best for society overall… Too many people (and businesses) are looking at short-term gains and goals and not the long game.

We need ‘more’ people in this country that are willing to:

  • Open their eyes and their minds to become better educated and to broaden their mental and moral horizons
    • Read or watch or talk about topics that stretch your own internal compass
  • Stop the self-filtering habit of continuous conversations with the ‘same’ people discussing the ‘same’ topics free of differing, open and diverse viewpoints
  • Stop the self-filtering habit of only listening to the ‘same’ radio stations (radio or online) and/or to the ‘same’ TV news channels all the time – instead, more people should watch different TV/radio programs
    • Watch PBS, BBC, AlJazeera America, FOX, CNN, Bloomberg and/or CNBC to gain a grasp of other opinions from differing viewpoints, from other perspectives – to see what is going on in other parts of the country (and the world)
    • Stop listening only to individuals who rail and rant about limited topics that make little sense in the short term – such as stopping change, things like renewable energy and gender equality (at everything, as much as is possible but most certainly in pay and power) – go outside of your comfort zones and hear/see multiple other aspects of life and the economy – many people around the country have different thoughts than you – you do not control what others should be thinking or seeing or doing
  • Help educate other people in their communities to broaden their minds and stop thinking and acting as if we were still in America of 1800, or 1880, or even 1955
    • People HAVE GOT to start thinking of those long term goals that was mentioned previously, 10, 20, 50 and 100 years into the future – yes, there may be pain now, the initial cost and the mental disequilibrium, which is sure to arise
  • Help the less advantaged people rise up and become better, where in the end, the entire society prospers and not just the few who had it handed to them from their ancestors – those who simply took what was available while oppressing and suppressing others

None of this can be accomplished without many more people ‘stretchingtheir minds to learn newer things, accept more ways of thinking and certainly not least – becoming more adaptive to the ever changing world of the future. And being old, young, religious, straight, gay, white, brown, black, blue or green – none of that excuses anyone from changing for the better and bringing EVERYONE forward with them.

There is no excuse for being unwilling to change! We are moving further into the 21st century, all of us must change…




C’mon, Really – “It’s always been that way ‘historically’”…. Racism

Really? Really!!!

It’s always been that way historically…. a statement purportedly made by Donald Sterling to his girlfriend V. Stiviano who is a woman of mixed race, which races are not important, at least to myself and many others around the globe.

Why should it matter? Why should anyone care at this point in our history as to what color someone else is? “NO ONE” should care what color or race someone else is, here in the 21st century – we should be moving on to a better and more enlightened future.


Yes, Sterling (purportedly) hit it on the nail head that it has been that way historically but do we need to continue on with any bigots, racists, racism or anyone who believes in racial supremacy? There are those who believe we need to get rid of affirmative action because the time is right (Supreme Court amongst others). Yet we have individuals like Sterling and Cliven Bundy (Nevada rancher who believes in a sovereign state but not the U.S.) who open their mouths and make it blatantly known how they truly feel, to the world.


These two individuals are not isolated cases of racism; there are many, many more incidents of racism in America and around the world – it is only more covert and insidious. These individuals and some of them will tell you to your face they are not racist, thrive in restaurants, in your workplace, at your gym, at your local bar, etc.

There are many people who can recount multiple painful situations (I know I can) where they were either an outright victim of racism or were a victim of more insidious racism – i.e. on the job receiving unequal pay or less favorable jobs (same as in gender discrimination).

Along the lines of covert racism, there are so many fraudulent people out there who will joke with the person of a different (“inferior”) skin color, slap them on the back out of camaraderie and even have drinks together – but it is all a front. It is a front because, behind closed doors with ‘others of their kind,’ the frauds will let their inner thoughts come out and ring true as they trash talk and belittle the person(s) of a different color. They may not be members of the KKK but it may as well be the same thing, the frauds act as if they are superior.

If you have experienced this, you will know what I mean. For those that do not or doubt it, let me point you in the direction of two recent points of reference:

==> Exhibit ACliven Bundy & Exhibit BDonald Sterling


We still have ‘good old boy’ networks thriving everywhere; the problem is in proving it. One cannot know or find out unless the racist(s) in question lets it slip accidentally or someone in the know blows the whistle. We have vast numbers of racism occurring everywhere, at a time when it should not matter what color a person’s skin is or what race they belong to.

— Why does race matter?  Why should race matter!!! —


And as to affirmative action I mentioned previously, unfortunately, we do still need it for a bit longer in order to continue to level the playing field for many who would not move upwards without it. Examples, okay, how about this one – schools that receive more funding or better *you name it* than schools in disadvantaged areas.


Back to race issues though, some people look at the skin color of another and automatically stigmatize that person with having the “wrong” or “different” skin color. Some of these people who act racist do it intentionally, while others do it sub-consciously because of years of growing up and being brain-washed with it (similar to growing up in a religious family where every single day, all you hear and see is religion with no countervailing arguments or viewpoints).


Why is it that people who do have racist issues continue having those issues in the 21st century?


Is it out of fear that the person of a different color might do a better job or be a better person? Are people still afraid of – “becoming tainted” from being around someone of another color? Do so many people ‘still’ believe they will become contaminated from interacting with others of another race?


Why aren’t even more people starting to look beyond the skin color of another and put value on the person within that skin? Why don’t more people realize that interacting with many more others will allow for more growth, more sharing and a better society?



It is what is inside and under the skin that makes the person. It is the person’s integrity, character, ethics, heart and thoughts that make the true individual – not just the outer layer of skin of whatever color.

Everyone needs to become educated that skin color is ONLY skin deep and that the person beneath that outer layer of skin – wants and desires the same things you want and desire.


It is a flat out shame that we still have to continue working on racism at this time. Many years ago some of us (and then many more years ago for those who came before us) were so optimistic that in the future, race would no longer be a problem. We thought, acted and talked in a manner of inclusiveness, hoping that others who did not act/think that way would pick up on our cues – and that it would accelerate over time, growing in an ever expanding curve upwards.

We were wrong. We were very, very wrong…

But we still continue to have hope that one day, most racism will actually die out (and groups like the KKK along with it).

Politicians kissing the back side of Billionaires & Millionaires – WRONG move by the Supreme Court…

It seems as if the ‘regular’ person is never going to get a break, the way the very wealthy seem to receive breaks. Not with the way money flows into the coffers of so many political parties – and I am not calling out any one party at all.

Instead, what I am calling out is how we are now moving down the slipperiest slope of all, the one of money in politics – and each year, for those of you who are far-sighted and forward thinking, it is going to become worse than the previous year as some of the rich become richer and some of them become ever greedier and more demanding of how others should follow them (i.e. religion, abortion, you name it), regardless of how ‘you’ feel and believe about it….

We have so many people in positions of power and affluence that do not really care about the ‘regular’ person on Main Street. Yes, sure, these people may mouth the words that they care but they are not putting any action behind those words.

After having the Supreme Court rule in favor of groups like Citizens United and now with the recent ruling in favor of McCutheon – the wealthiest donors can shovel massive amounts of money to all of the political parties they chose. With that kind of money, it is difficult for the ‘regular’ person to really influence anything. Does this remind you of the robber baron days or the days when the moneyed of the land simply bought whatever outcome they wanted, whether it was good or bad for the ‘regular’ person…?

 I am not at all indicating that all people with power and affluence are not acting for the betterment of all people. I am only referencing those that you see in the news and on the streets every day and you know who they are, you do not need me to tell you that.

These are individuals who, for any or all of the reasons below, simply want to keep gaining power, wealth and affluence without any regard for others. The reasons, well, for more:

  • Money to buy more things (bigger yachts) to show off
  • Power to get what they want when they want
  • Affluence to affect more outcomes to win more, MORE favorable legal, financial rulings in order to amass more money


But going to congress or the senate used to be an aspiration for many and it did not matter if you had money or not, as long as you were perceived to want to do good for the folks back home. Well, now, without campaign finance reforms we are getting to the point where you have to have money, LOTS of money.

Are the days of a ‘regular’ person going to the congress or senate going to come back, I doubt it. Without some kind of mass revolt across the country to stop Gerrymandering, we’ll keep on seeing people, some of who are flat out crackpots or who thinks very differently. For example, there is one individual from S. Carolina who ‘may’ be such a person who thinks very differently. He wanted to endorse a bill, with new language, somewhat different than that proposed by a 10 year old girl who wanted to have the Wooly Mammoth as the state’s official fossil. The ‘new’ language was adding (paraphrasing here) words to the effect of “the wooly mammoth, a beast created by God.”

— That kind of blew me away that this S. Carolina state senator would add a religious statement to a bill, especially when the fossil is over 10,000 years old and when many in the religious community below the earth was created by god 6,000 years ago. How do you reconcile that…??? If you choose to believe in a god, any god, that is your right but don’t mix politics and religion…


At any rate, “WE” have to figure out some way to pull back these stupid, unjust laws created by the Supreme Court that is now opening the spigots, which are actually flood gates, of money to various political parties.

  • Look at what the Koch brothers are doing across the country with their money, influencing races.
  • Look at the casino magnate, Adelson, and all the conservative political parties beating a path to his door for his financial largesse as he attempts to influence political activities.


“WE” have to figure out some way to pull money back out of politics so that ‘regular’ people can have a chance to go to congress or the senate to make better decisions for everyone, not just one race or one party or one gender.

You need more proof? Look at all of the individuals who have gone to congress and the senate in the last decade or two and look at their wealth – many of these folks come out with MILLIONS in their “personal” piggy bank, money that the wealthy donors (and you) provided for their ‘campaigns.’


The Supreme Court purportedly stated that the decision was no different than other 1st Amendment rights. Well, many of us disagree, this was not a first amendment type of right – this puts us back into the dark ages and the industrial age when money ruled over right and wrong, when money allowed certain people massive power over everyone else to do whatever they wanted at any time…

The Supreme Court should have done the ‘right’ thing…