REPUBLICAN GOP – Think! You will be responsible for American lives lost in Ukraine.

Why? Because you are not thinking Strategically for the future or Tactically for ‘RIGHT NOW!’ (Sorry, this Feb 2024 piece needed updating for a couple of typos, specifically aimed at the GOP.)

Tactically, we (NATO, including America) must help Ukraine stop Russia from advancing further into Ukraine and taking over more territory. As Russia continues pouring in more Conscripts (who do not want to be there), Russia is “ALSO” planting more land mines to

  • attempt to stop/slow any Ukraine advances and
  • kill any unwary Ukrainian man, woman or child (or NATO ally) who may venture into that tainted area.

If we (NATO) do not provide weapons to the country fighting Russia, it basically screws up the World’s future for MORE large conflicts down the road. Further Russian assaults against other countries. Ukraine is not just fighting this conflict for themselves, it is also for NATO.

Strategically, this is where you have to think very hard, more than you are used to. We can cut off future Russian advances by supplying the necessary planes, tanks and weapons that Ukraine can make BETTER advances and reclaim parts of their sovereign country that was illegally stolen by the insidious Dictator – Putin.

Republicans, here is where your brain is going to start hurting. Think. If Russia is allowed to take more and more of Ukraine, it will also start serious consideration for advancing into one or more of the smaller NATO countries near Russian borders such as Lithuania.

Note, if (or when) one NATO member is invaded/attacked (by Putin), that means NATO members will respond to protect the assaulted country. And that, Republican GOP, will mean American soldiers, Marines, sailors and Air Force troops will ‘have to’ go into the country that was invaded. The American (and NATO) troops will fight to protect the country in question – and it will ALSO mean that American troops will likely be ‘KILLED in action’ or horrifically maimed for life.

Think about it.

a) Strategically, you could have provided Ukraine with the necessary weapons to stop Russia NOW and into the future, to keep the Russian forces from advancing into any other NATO member country and quite possibly to regain the lost Crimean territory that was stolen, as well have more safety in the Black Sea. For now, Mike Johnson stepped up after seeing the light. And after he sat in on more classified, higher security meetings involving Ukraine & NATO. (Some of us know all too well what kind of information is shared in these kinds of meetings – now Johnson knows as well.)

OR you can forever

Think about it as you go to sleep, EVERY single night. Having Russia CONTINUING to be a world nuisance with Putin as a continuous Dictator (as you know he will win his upcoming election with, what, 98, 99% of the votes...). But then again, of course you want to continue playing with politics, even though most of your republican party does not know how to be a successful and productive member of the House or Senate. Instead, these individuals want to continue to be an attention getter, a power grabber – basically, ‘me, me, ME….’

O.J. Simpson, Dies – but NYT not posting my comment…

Yep – O.J. Simpson died.

I wanted to add a comment to that NYT (new york times) story but apparently, the NYT chose not to approve it for whatever reason. Likely because I used the word “Hades” in it. Or…

I was not sentimental enough. Or…

Maybe I was not vindictive enough and did not put enough vitriol into the comment…??? Not egregious enough… hmmm….

This comment (long) is being posted here since the NYT appears to have, not once but twice, not approved my comment with a little bit more about abuse added to it —– begin copy——-

I am not one of those folks who forgives men who does what O.J. and others like him do to women. That is not something you can forget about or forgive – the woman in question is damaged (mentally, emotionally and maybe physically as well) forever after that encounter.

I do not feel shame or sorrow for any ‘fellow’ male who does this kind of activity. You abuse women or girls – you fry. Pure and simple.

And besides, there are far worse commentary than mine in the NYT comment section….

GIFTing Shops in D.C. – to Bypass having a Marijuana License

NOTE: AMAZING! On the GIFT shop origin page ““ — I’m being REBUFFED multiple times from referring to this write up on the NW DC MJ GIFT shops that’s informative to locals in the area — EVEN when I reply to someone else’s comment on the article… WTF is going on with that DAMN site…?? Cannot refer to my site or plug in URL to it

This is very rich indeed, so be prepared folks for these to pop up in more kind of quiet (for now) communities… Fuggitabout a Marijuana “MJ” license, give ‘GIFTS’ instead. “Oh wait sir, ma’am, thank you for buying that very expensive T-Shirt but do not forget about your MJ ‘GIFT’ we have for you on the counter.”

The theme for ‘Gift’ shops is — Buy some non-marijuana merchandise and we will ‘gift’ you, ohhhh, some certain amount of MJ. Ahhhh, basically, it depends how much the merchandise cost, get me… Let’s go light up a doobie, ummm, after you buy some merchandise that is.

Nothing wrong with folks buying MJ, especially for health reasons and even for some folks who enjoy smoking (or chewing) MJ. But, starting an aggregation of MJ shops IN a small area is not good. There are now at least three (3) MJ shops on Connecticut Ave NW:

  • ‘gopuff’ shop, 4221 Connecticut Ave NW, adjacent to Pills Plus
  • ‘Mr. Green’ (GIFT shop) 4302 Conn. Ave NW, adjacent to Pot Belly
  • ‘Canna Art’ (GIFT shop) 5008 Conn. Ave NW, across the street from Politics and Prose bookshop

Are we going to have any more springing up that ‘will’ attract even more unsavory characters. I am not talking about the everyday folks in our communities but the kind that will jack your car and your wallet (AND your phone AND that expensive looking watch, ring, necklace) so they can grab some kind of cash — in order to go and buy some MJ, I mean merchandise and ‘hope’ that the GIFT shop owner will be kind enough to portion out a ‘nice’ amount of MJ as well…

You will have to remember, while marijuana is now legal (in D.C., the district — not the federal system), you have to consider the places where folks intake it via smoking. There are many apartment buildings and condos and coops in D.C. — smoke travels. And while the smoker is enjoying the hell out of the MJ, the neighbors — up and down the hall, the neighbors on the multiple floors above (‘what’, you thought the MJ smoker was going to leave the windows and balcony doors closed at that time or all the time…!!!???) and sometimes on a floor or two below the smoker — depending on wind conditions. 

This becomes a nightmare for folks who do not relish the smell/odor of MJ — MJ smoke/odor slinks into many adjacent spaces via openings and cracks that you may not be aware of. And as many folks know, there are a WIDE variety of mild to VERY harsh MJ odors to contend with. The MJ smoke WILL affect the sleep AND health of many. And if the non-smoker nearby has a sensitive job and holds security clearances (or even sensitive jobs without a clearance) — there MIGHT be random drug screens. How do you go about getting by that. It will take a LOT of fighting to prove that you were not the smoker but a neighbor (or neighbors) in your building smoke MJ… In the meantime, YOU might be out of a job and will have to sue the smoker for MJ smoke harassment AND (if your were fired) the company/entity that fired you for Wrongful termination and Defamation of Character.
After talking to lawyers/city council members on this in D.C. – you/we would have to file multiple police reports for HARASSING MJ SMOKING invading your space and affecting you and your family. And ‘then’ get a lawyer to get a court to put out an order to force the smoker to switch… Because MJ is legal, that is likely the only path to getting the smokers to cease and desist smoking it and instead, switch to non-smoke related MJ products. Sure, you can go have a conversation with the smoker to ask him/her to consider switching from smoking MJ to eating MJ (gummies, cookies, powder, etc.) — but in the meantime, it is that smokers choice to light up. And for you to inhale it as a helpless bystander…

Again, nothing wrong with MJ for medical reasons or for those to relax and enjoy but, I am thinking of the criminal minded individuals who could care less about the community – the community that you/we live in. What was a better community becomes a problematic community as time goes on. Oh, it will not go downhill right off the bat, but give it time whilst not reining in the “number” and ‘density’ of MJ shops (of any kind).

As most of us well know, when drug usage grows and gets out of hand (no strict law enforcement & stern judicial system) – what happens, an area gets out of hand. Check out the “Fulton Center” in Lower Manhattan, N.Y. where crime seems to have run amok and most of the businesses have abandoned that very expensively built metro center hub… As far as business goes, it now seems to mirror what is happening in multiple spots throughout China – ghost businesses with ghost customers – that is what the Fulton Center is looking like now, due to crime… Westfield, yes, the nationwide mall owner is trying its damnedest to pull out of the N.Y. MTA lease for that location…

So, sure, allow MJ stores and GIFT shops to open up – but, PLEASE, crack down on the crimes as they happen and punish the individuals as sternly as possible to stop becoming recidivist (repeat offenders) criminals and putting a dark mark on our neighborhoods…

Alabama – Separation of Church and State – Violation – Invoking “God”

It seems we have a judicial member, a very senior member who seems to have not performed well in law school.

This Alabama Judge (Tom Parker) should be removed (finally) from the bench with his IVF ruling disqualified. Why you ask?

So glad you asked. It is because, as far as many of the rest of us know, there is “supposed” to be an EXPLICITLY clear delineation between adding personal religious beliefs into political and state business, activities and laws.

Passing a law, one with ‘personal’ beliefs in a mythical god is not legal.

  • Please read the entire piece before you start screaming that I am a heathen, please… While I am a heathen, I am a good person – that should be that is required to be a good human in a ‘good’ society.

Now, if you do believe in a god or another mythical figure such as Zeus, Mohammed, Shiva – that is up to you and your life forming beliefs. “You” can enjoy whatever religion you choose – you however, cannot just force the rest of us to believe in any of them. For many of us, ‘SCIENCE’ and ‘LOGIC’ is our life force and our continual path into the future.

Since centuries behind us, many humans on Earth have:

  1. stopped believing that the world was flat  
  2. completely denied the existence of dragons in the oceans  
  3. believed that BOOKS, the printed word (science, math, logic, literature [freely expressed literature]), was a great thing and what we needed to progress – better than a bible full of beliefs
  4. believed that equality, not just mouthing the word, that full blown equality for everyone – women, people of different races, from different countries – that is the path forward

Injecting religion into politics and state and law is forcing those who are:

  • Humanist
  • Agnostic
  • Athiest
  • Non-believer – well, you can add more of your own categories to the list here

to kow-tow to something they just do not believe in. That is not the way – such as forcing all non-believers to suck it up and live with the phrase “In god we trust” on American currency and in some court rooms. Laws are supposed to be in place to protect everyone, not just a subset of people on earth to make them feel good because they can say “hey, god is with us” or “god protects us” or “god saves us”. But – for an embryo, an unborn child – a non-breathing pile of tissue – a non-thinking cellular glob where everything it does is autonomic… An embryo is not a lifeform, get it – ‘not a life’ yet.

You, we, all of us – we have to start using commonsense and logic, not just belief. To refer to an embryo and state “All human beings bear the image of God” – where is the logic and science in that statement…? Parker has been referring to law and religion for most of his career (most of us do not know how long since we do not know this individual). Parker is relying on the book of Genesis.

For legal reasoning, who was the author of Genesis – someone that is an expert in law? Can that be authenticated?

Or is the Genesis author that Parker continually refers to, a definitively identified higher being with bona fides that is just out there in the cosmos stating law from his/her own mouth. Sure, people talk about changing water to wine and his prodigy waking up and coming out of a cave but that is all hearsay. And if it did happen, no one can prove that alchemy (changing lead to gold, water to wine, etc.) has ever occurred in the human lifespan.

Here is the kicker, as more people learn science and technology, they tend to believe less in religion and mythical beings. During the first couple of decades of my life, I heard nothing but this statement, “the earth is 6,000 years old.” That completely stopped being the religious mantra being put out into the public hemisphere as more and MORE science discovered older and older life on this rock we call earth. And science is ‘still’ continuing to find older civilizations and lifeforms.

So, are we starting to devolve back into a nation (world) where the religious fancy is going to take hold again and overrule science and logic.

Lastly, where was your god during the:

  • Holocaust,
  • Slavery,
  • World War I, II, Vietnam,
  • the Japanese horrific attack on Nanjing (Nanking),
  • soldiers of America slaughtering Indigenous Natives.

—- where was your god then?

What about when:

  • the Chinese communist party were/are wiping out the Uyghurs culture, incarcerating them, cutting their hair and beards, taking over their physical properties by imminent domain and razing them to the ground and lastly performing a mass indoctrination to force them to stop believing in their own Uyghur ways and follow the Chinese Communist Party brainwash processes
  • on October 7th, Hamas terrorists invaded Israel — to kill and rape and kidnap AND gang rape and THEN kill girls and women and definitely, DEFINITELY do not forget about the babies that were decapitated…. (NOTE: All the Palestinians had to do to stop all this current conflict — give up the Hamas terrorists — the current state of Israeli soldiers in Gaza would have been over months ago).

—- where was your god…?

What about:

  • the Africa Rwandan genocide that took place in Rwanda – where the Hutu performed their massacre of the Tutsi’s…?
  • little incident in Tulsa, OK, on Black Wall Street, where the white mobs massacred/murdered ~300 progressive/successful blacks – destroyed all the black family homes and stores in the process – eh?
  • Females – full rights and equality (work, pay, life)
  • Blacks and Native Americans – full rights and equality – with none of the ‘one drop of colored blood makes one a #$*@*_r ‘ word?

—- where was/is your god?

And let’s not forget – where was your god during our most recent pandemic, where MILLIONS of people around the world suffered horrifically or died…?

If there is a god, an almighty, all-powerful entity – do you not believe he/she/it would have stepped up to stop the loss of life…? And please, do not go down that rosy red rabbit hole of “well, he/she/it was weaning out the weak and making it better for the rest of humanity.”

Mar 13 add-on: a woman raised a point on this article:

"If they do go by their Scripture, the quote is "the BREATH of Life". That's when Life starts per their own beatitudes: with the first breath ~ and yes
Yes, that is what many of us believe in - that first breath...

We just have too many people refusing logic and science. Instead, focusing solely (or primarily) on religion and faith. Which, to me, keeps coming back to so many centuries of:
a) flat earth
b) dragons at the edge of the world
c) Aristotle being chastised for stating the Earth revolves around the Sun and not the other way around
d) being gay is an abomination (I'm not gay or bi-sexual and I see nothing wrong with that - that is up to any and ALL LBTGQ individuals to live life as they wish to enjoy it)
e) religious leaders (pastors, reverends, mega-church talkers) all saying do as their 'god' says, while in the meantime, they are in the back room with another woman (or same-sex with a 'guy') or stealing money for a mega-yacht or doing drugs...
f) forcing women (certain parts of the world) to wear clothing to cover their entire body (hijab and whatnot) or to ALWAYS have to be escorted by some male member of their family when going out in public.

While all in all, many of these religious believers are not looking at the big picture and the future of humanity - being progressive for all and doing better.
Such as:
* Helping the not well-to-do start doing better.
* Getting rid of racist, sexist discrimination...
* Removing the taint of "my religion is better than your religion" (sunni vs the shias - catholics vs protestants, etc....)

But no, they wish to focus on and follow one of their gods out there.
Like me believing in Zeus and following his lead - but I know that the 'god' Zeus does not exist, therefore, I focus on those around me.
So, if this is what folks choose to do in their daily lives, it is up to them to how their life is dictated, not us. However, please, do not allow your belief to get 'you' to try to convince the rest of us to believe in a god, any god. Science, for many of us - moved us on to a better, clear eyed path….

Apologies for the long, little soliloquy there, I just get a bit teed off when folks try to bring religion back to the forefront in our daily lives and attempt to jam it down the throats of all the science/logical thinking members living on this now small planet...

Lack of Ethics: NYT – Breaking news: Ex-F.B.I. informant is charged with lying about Bidens

Posting my little piece here. For some reason, the New York Times did not accept my comment on this story. My comment is/was as follows:

I had to send a follow up email to the NYT:

What gives?

I had added a comment to the story right when it was released by Thrush (author) and there were no comments yet.
For my comment to not be approved, was my comment: 

  • too offensive 
  • not offensive enough 
  • not incendiary enough or are
  • integrity/ethics not allowed in the NYT comments…

Nirsoft’s wnetwatcher_setup

Anyone know why there is a Passwordrevealer in Nirsoft’s software…?


I’ve worked in cybersecurity and do not see why this home network scanner software needs to have a “passwordrevealer” included… I do not have the intent to gain someone else’s password, even if they are on my network – to hack into their network. Or…. is the software looking to find “my” passwords…?

Hence, no need for the passwordrevealer…. This piece is causing Norton 360 to block the installation of wnetwatcher_setup…

The purpose of wnetwatcher is see who ‘might’ is on your network and ‘maybe’ using your bandwidth illegally.

Women AND Men, Unite, Reproductive/Abortion Rights-in EACH State

Well folks, it appears that since a few of the Supreme Court Justices lied about their stance on Roe v Wade and ended up causing the court to throw away that HARD-FOUGHT battle to have Abortion Rights – UNIVERSALLY, across the country.

  • No variation in separate states – all states followed Roe v Wade, whether they liked it or not

And of course, with the court tossing away Roe v Wade so glibly, it caused chaos to ensue with reprehensible and atrocious medical outcomes for many women – with fatalities…

Women, it now seems that you have to unite in each of the 50 states and D.C. to get Abortion Rights on the ballot for your state AND VOTE IT INTO LAW….!!!

Men, ESPECIALLY MEN – YOU MEN, those WITH the RIGHT MINDSET and THINKING CAPABILITY, HAVE TO BE on the side of all women. You MUST help women ensure they have the right to tell doctors, yes, they want the abortion. (We already know that it is tearing up the would-be mother to begin with, to terminate the fetus.) Men, this is the one thing you can truly shine in – making it clear where you stand and who you support.

This is not a politician’s right to tell a woman that she does not matter, nor that what she thinks does not matter to any degree. Or to sit back, smoking a stupidly large stogie (you know the analogy here) in that good ole boy’s club and make an edict – abortion, no abortion – no matter if the fetus is because of your father, your uncle, a criminal? It don’ matter lady. You don’ matter. What we men say goes…. But of course, there are some women siding with these ‘men’. Moms for Liberty…. You know, the group where one of its leaders (for the life of me, I cannot recall her name nor am I able to figure out google or whatever) is at this time being hypocritical…. Three-ways, which often means – bisexuality, for the two women involved that is.

Abortion is entirely and primarily the woman’s ultimate choice to make. And the would-be father or male (or female) companion SHOULD be there to help and support the decision to end a fetus from going further.

This decision is not for politicians to make. And it is certainly not for some religious zealot or group to make for another woman.

But now, since Roe v Wade is kaput, for the time being – we have variation in separate states about abortions – horrible variations. Women in some states:

  • can have abortion
  • cannot have an abortion at any time, unless it was incest or rape
  • cannot have an abortion at any time, unless it could be a pregnancy that ends the mother’s life or
  • cannot have an abortion at any time, for any reason whatsoever

Are we truly forcing women to return to hangers?

To possibly self-inflicted death because they cannot mentally and/or emotionally bear to give birth to a baby that was a result of a rape? By an ignobly, insidious, inconsiderate, irrational father? By the same kind of uncle? By their church pastor – yeah, look it up, that has happened as well – the ‘religious’, holy moly high figures of a church.

Folks, unless the supreme court truly sees the harm they have caused by overturning Roe v Wade and actually do something about it, like RECANT their vote to overturn Roe v Wade – well.


It is up to all of us citizens in every state, district and territory to get Abortion Rights for women on state ballots and VOTE that right BACK INTO LAW.

And yes, I am referring to all of us average Janes and Joes across the country – this is where the power lies. You have the voice and the feet to get to a voting booth to do this.

If Ireland passed a law to allow abortion, guess what – America can do so as well, in each state.

Kennedy Assassination – End Conspiracy with AI & Quantum Computing

So many people across America ‘still‘ talk about John F. Kennedy’s assassination and constantly tie conspiracy to it. Talking about the impossibility of one shooter doing the damage that he (Lee Harvey Oswald) did with one bullet.

Okay. Prove the impossibility of one bullet causing the death of our former president and all the residual damage.

Or, prove the that there was indeed more than one shooter…

The way to do this, maybe – use A.I. and Quantum Computing.

Yes, yes, yes, many of us know that A.I. is ‘not yet’ a perfect method to solve this Kennedy conspiracy. But. What about using two or three different A.I. systems…???

This past week, Rob Reiner has stated that he solved the Kennedy assassination conspiracy with a good amount of content. This is discussed via his and Soledad O’Brien’s podcast – “Who Killed JFK?”. Not to forget that Gov. John Connally (R-TX) was wounded while in the presidential limousine. The problem is, a lot of folks are still not going to buy into Reiner’s belief and theory.

This is why I suggested using A.I. above.

Take all of the available data:

  • Angle of bullet contact with each victim
  • Bullet velocity over the estimated distance used
  • Point of impact and exit wounds for each victim
  • Speed of vehicle movement at time of each impact
  • Line of sight for each possible shooter location (to bar trees and other L.o.S. impediments), 5th floor, 6th floor, etc.
  • What specific body parts that were impacted by the round(s) and if those body parts ‘may’ disrupt or deflect the bullet’s path/
  • trajectory
  • What type of bone in the victims – density, porosity, calcification
  • What type of muscle tissue in the victims – state of muscle – athletic or sedentary…
  • What kind of temperature – hot enough to help expand bullet(s) during its flight path
  • What kind of round(s) – factory made or manually put together – for retaining bullet shape longer
  • Oswald’s complete itinerary of where he was and when as well as all the supposed training that he was supposed to have received – to pinpoint the possibility of being at those specific locations using the various travel means at the time
  • Whatever other prospective individuals who ‘may’ have participated in this assassination and their travel and localities…

Was Oswald even a good enough shooter to hit a moving target at that distance…?

But. Do not use just one A.I. system on one platform, use several A.I. systems with humans actually curating (sanitizing) the data – to ensure the A.I. system in use does not go off the rails into the deep end… you know, the hallucinations that tends to creep in if no one is overseeing the A.I.

And if need be, plug in a Quantum Computer to tally up all the possible permutations of bullet travel and impacts. Quantum Computers are up to 1,225 qubits (quantum bits) now and still increasing. This kind of computer could handle these kinds of computations. Atom Computing is the owner of this specific Quantum Computer, beating out IBM and others, for now.

Use the same data for each system and have non-biased, trained individuals go over the results for each A.I. system’s resulting content. The individuals could be the same for all of the A.I. systems or have specific individuals only look at one system. Then, either way, have a table top discussion of the results.

Something like this would add more weight to Reiner/O’Brien’s “Who Killed JFK?” consensus…. Right…..???

CONTROL! China CCP = American Conservative GOP

The thought just hit me and reminded me of a story in the NYT, (China May Ban Clothes That Hurt People’s Feelings. People Are Outraged) back in September. Please be aware, this piece will take a bit of time to read – 5 pages in Word.

Note: USA is not used because we are not a united country, we are a divided country that will continue to be so until more Americans in the conservative grouping wake up and see that we are in the 21st century and no longer in the 20th (or 19th) century… And coming together ‘only’ in times of turmoil and disasters is not how we should be coming together. We should be together – all the time. It only makes us stronger…


Xi JinPing and the Chinese CCP want to control everything and everyone that is Chinese and everywhere near the Chinese borders… Or even those Chinese citizens who are living and working in other countries such as America — listen for and check out information regarding illegal secret Chinese Police Stations located here and there around the globe who’s purported reason for being is to assist those Chinese who need passport assistance…

It reminds me of how the American GOP want to control Americans. Yes, they do. Abortions anyone – does that ring a bell – set off an alarm maybe…?

There are so many American conservatives here in our country, TODAY, that wants EVERYONE to return to a backwards period of time where:

  • Women are secondhand parties, chattel if you will. And yet, there are many women who simply do not seem to see that and still continue to back conservative political parties. It was not that long ago when women started to get on the road to equality and their fair share of everything in life – especially free will. The suffragist platform fought long and hard to get into making the voices of women heard.
    • Or, these women want to return to that “simple” life where the men control everything…
  • People of non-white genetic makeup are secondhand as well, where, again, not long ago – folks all over America of a non-white color had no voice, no equality, no power.
    • And again, here, we have so many people of color who seem not to notice that they are not wanted as equals to many of these conservatives…
  • If you were gay (imagine being transgender), you would likely be killed because the conservatives in power did not want what they call abnormal. Ask Mike Johnson, new speaker of the house about abnormal individuals…. Here is something, from Johnson for you to read: Speaker Mike Johnson wanted to criminalize sodomy & called gay marriage the “harbinger of chaos
    • He also said that gay people should not be a protected class because they “are capable of changing their abnormal lifestyles.”
  • Folks who wear nose rings or die their hair a brilliant green or blue are looked down upon as an affront to the conservative “American looks”.


Oh yeah, I could keep going but everyone in America should already know about these areas and many others.

Right now, we have a national crisis on Abortion where, thanks to Trump packing the Supreme Court with three members who explicitly lied to the Senate / Judiciary on this very topic. These three members, they were the primary reason Roe v Wade was overturned, let there be no doubt about that – of course they had help from Alito and Thomas as well.

Many political conservative GOP members want to put in place; 15-week bans, 6 week bans or complete bans with no exceptions to the woman carrying the fetus nor pay any regard to the age of the woman who was raped by a relative or a criminal – “12-Year-Old Incest Victims Should Birth Dad’s Child, House Speaker Gunn Says” – Mississippi, Jun 29, 2022

  • “Mississippi House Speaker Philip Gunn says abortion should be illegal even for a 12-year-old rape victim carrying her father or uncle’s child. He made the remark to reporters in the hours after the U.S. Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, allowing state abortion bans to take effect.”  


  • nose rings
  • dyed hair jobs
  • pants with holes in the knees
  • flamboyant, flashy trendy clothing that individuals like and want to wear
  • women wearing shaved heads, on the sides (or one side)
  • anyone showing tattoos on TV
  • folks wearing costumes in public, as in Cosplay in America
  • wearing clothing styles from another country (i.e.: Japanese Kimonos)
  • wearing gay pride colors

Xi JinPing wants the Chinese citizen to continue looking like the same, every day, conservative with no room for looking different (or better). Xi wants Chinese to appear in public without:

Xi wants to control the Chinese citizen to where the citizens appear in line with the Chinese CCP, looking alike without deviation of any kind. Everyone in China should be part of a cookie cutter mold with no room for personalization – no afros, no long hair (mainly men), no stylized haircuts. Kind of like getting the Chinese citizens to become more like N. Korean citizens, maybe, hmmm….


Those kinds of things listed above are somewhat like many conservative political members (and ‘many’ conservative American citizens) want all Americans to be like. Not to be out of line with American conservative values – not to be different from the conservative brand.

Conservatives want Americans to believe in “THEIR” God and not believe in anything else, such as:

  • Atheism
  • Islamic beliefs
  • Jewish beliefs (not sure on this one, as there are a lot of Jewish conservatives)
  • Humanist beliefs
  • Etc., etc., etc…..

Now we have conservative GOP members, after being beaten back by the Americans who want control back for women to make their own decisions about their bodies, who are walking back their absolute and complete bans or short 6/15-week abortion bans. Now they are saying, well, we can work on a compromise.

The problem with these conservative GOP members is that, “who can trust them…?” hmmm…. They might very well put in place what folks believe is something good but then yank it away when conservative GOP members regain power again. And I am quite sure that most of you out there, are aware of conservative GOP members at the state and national level, those who voted against anything positive for LBGTQ+ members and voted for restrictive bans – that there were/are members who later, years later, came out of the closet because they were/are gay. You can do a search on that as well…

Then, not to forget – there are the members who had family members or lovers go and do secret abortions so the public would not be aware.

This is the funny, stupid, sad part – there are people who continue to say that Trump was the right president that we needed at the right time and they believed in Trump. The problem is, it is not true about Trump being the right president – he was not. And if they believed in Trump, then those who stated so – they are definitely NOT the ones to follow today.

Trump caused more damage at home and internationally than any other American president in history. Our national and international standing.

Which other American president has ever elbowed aside a Prime Minister (Montenegro) in public at a NATO meeting (May 2017), just so ‘he’ could move up to the front as if ‘he’ were the almighty, ahem, ‘god’ over all others…

Trump caused more debt because he believed in passing a Tax break, which really helped the rich more than the middle- and lower-class Americans. That tax break without a means to offset what it cost the American public – just added another huge chunk of money to the national debt.

Same as what Ronald Reagan did when he was president. Massive tax breaks, added to the national debt…

Trump has just caused so, so many problems that it will take years to recover. 

Does white supremacy ring a bell, about how it is surging across America?

No, what about white nationalism being the primary way America should be…? Rise of hate crimes since Trump was president and after leaving office with Election Denialism is just running rampant across the conservative GOP hemisphere – does that ring any bells, alarms in your brain regarding Trump…???

Here, here is another aspect of Trump ‘not’ being effective as an American president – CoViD, how long did it take Trump to get the Defense Production Act up and running…? If he had simply pushed that to the forefront, many, MANY American lives would have been spared instead of being doomed to die, due to lack of American products being produced here in America…

Look at one of the front runners for the 2024 GOP candidates – DeSantis. He wants WOKE to die and go away but it is likely he does not even know what WOKE is for. Here is a quick take for those who do not know what WOKE is all about (there is more content out there but I am quite sure you can look it up, to ensure that you are getting unbiased information).

Individuals like DeSantis do not want anyone around to:

  • be WOKE (first in Florida and then hopefully all across America), or
  • believe in DEI (diversity, equity, inclusion) — and we ARE talking about equality here and “not” reverse racism or forced equality or some symbolic stance to put someone of any race, color, gender into a position of authority when they are not qualified — TRUE equality and diversity and inclusion (we are NOT talking about just giving lip service to some ill meaning acronym) or
  • have any corporation believe in those aspects and have
    • no organization who welcomes individuals who believe in these two areas.

DeSantis wants to whitewash history books, to remove black history (you can look that up right…?).  Not even be taught in AP classes or in colleges.

DeSantis was even idiotic enough to state that slaves learned valuable lessons while being slaves or indentured servants, or rather – ‘benefited’ from slavery. Who in their right mind would state that…?
It is like many people around the world today, those who are ‘still’ stating that the holocaust did not happen… This kind of non-belief thinking is like saying WW I & WW II did not happen.

So. Are you seeing the similarities of the Chinese CCP and Xi JinPing and the American conservative GOP…? How much more information, from sources that you trust (and are reputable) do you need?

People and parties who want power to gain control of people in their state, in their country are not the ones to follow.

Democracy is the way forward for everyone. Everyone benefits when democracy is the primary avenue of fairness. You have to realize that you cannot get everything you want, all the time. You have to compromise – that is what democracy is about, give and take. EVERYONE grows when there is fairness and everyone has an equal seat at the table.

There is no place in the world for those who want to control, instead of regulations and laws. Having a state-by-state referendum on abortion is the most idiotic and painful way to enact laws. The federal law on abortion, Roe v Wade should have stayed in place but certain supreme court judges deemed otherwise – they wanted the states to make the laws. Now, women, with their husband or wife, have to take time off from work and ‘TRY’ to go to another state for an abortion and/or to save their own lives.

Look at how long it took for women to get the 19th Amendment in place – certified in 1920 but women are STILL NOT earning equal pay.

Look at how long it took for Black Americans to gain voting rights – 1965 and we still had regions of this country where black votes were disregarded and disenfranchised.

Do you want to continually be forced to be a member of a nation where inequality continues to exist because you are a Black American or a Woman or a member of the LBGTQ+….?

In a country where conservative GOP members control what you can or what books you can read?

Yeah, remember, there are numerous book bans across America because so many parents do not want their children to be aware of the painful past of how women and slaves were treated nor be allowed to be aware of gays, lesbians, homosexuals of all age groups and of all races and male or female. Ali Velshi, an MSNBC anchor does a lot of content regarding the Book Bans across America if you truly wish to check that out.

Think about it…

Do you want equality in America or do you want to continue to have pockets across America where:

  • racism, hatred, hate crimes, women (girls) to be cast aside and/or forced to carry to term and give birth to an unwanted child due to being raped by their father (that is, if the woman (girl) survived the birth)?

Or do you want to be a part of a country that is strong and proud? Strong and proud because of equality, diversity and inclusion for EVERYONE…???!!!

It is bad enough that we have to fight climate change and make the world better for everyone but as it stands, we are going to lose countries and people where ocean levels continue to rise and air pollution is becoming worse at times…

False flag…? Prigozhin, Putin, Belarus – Really?

Well folks, it appears we have an interesting situation here with Prigozhin and Putin. Let me put on my Intelligence and Strategy hats for a bit, for a few areas to consider or ponder (or dismiss).

First, an individual who is reportedly worth approximately ONE Billion dollars ($1,000,000,000) is charged with by Putin as a dangerous terrorist but then, charges are dropped.

This individual, Yevgeny Prigozhin, got a large contingent of his soldiers to take over Rostov-on-Don and move on up to Voronezh & Lipetsk, Russia.

Without any real Russia military contested encounters.

Interesting right….?

Suppose this was all planned. Suppose the extra ammunition request and build up were for long term Ukrainian engagements and are to be redistributed to other fronts (or already were)…

Suppose this “March for Justice” tantrum build up was just noise for an alternate move.

We do not know any true details about the bombing of Prigozhin’s troop, purportedly 2,000 soldiers (mercenaries) were killed in that bombing. What picture evidence we saw, was lacking in any real number of dead troops.

Then, how does Prigozhin move, really, unchallenged from that bombed out location up to where he stopped…? Without taking a significant portion, if not all, of his forces to go north into Moscow.

And there is also the ‘mysterious’ government plane that left Moscow for St. Petersburg (formerly Leningrad) that turned off its planes’ transponder and went dark.

THEN, entering the picture is Belarus’ Lukashenko who magically brokers a deal with Prigozhin to come visit (stay in) Belarus. And it this component was VERY fast and approved by all parties.

Charges against Prigozhin – dropped. Charges against Prigozhin’s troops – dropped.

Do ‘NOT’ forget Lukashenko’s iron grip on Belarus news media – complete control. There would be no concrete way for us regular folks to know if Prigozhin is anywhere within Belarus. And if Prigozhin is in Belarus, there is ‘no way’ for us to know precisely where in Belarus – until Prigozhin commences attacking Ukraine via Belarus. That is, if that is the false flag effort…

Next, we hear the news that Prigozhin and his senior leaders’ families were threatened by Russia’s secret service. And with Russia’s iron grip on news, none of us have any idea if this aspect is true or not. You know of course, not to believe everything (or anything) you hear from Putin and country’s media – especially from Pravda.

Get it, Pravda in Russian means “Truth”…

Now going back Prigozhin. Suppose all this screaming and noise making was a false flag. A false flag to get Prigozhin situated into Belarus, likely into some city in Belarus just north of Prypiat, Ukraine.

Which is not that far from Kyiv…

Go back to that ammunition build up that Prigozhin kept requesting and finally received. Suppose ‘that’ build up reserve was sent to Belarus and was pre-positioned somehow. (I have no idea if that materiel was tracked by American intelligence/military and of course, none of us have a need to know.)

With all the hullabaloo that took place and rapidly calmed down, suppose, just suppose (open your mind for an alternative aspect of Putin’s crazy world) that Prigozhin “is” actually likely to open another front closer to Kyiv via Belarus.

Putin may not be the smartest of government, intelligence and military leaders (or thinkers) but, he does know about false flags, ever since he was in the KGB and covering up Yeltsin’s stupidly corrupt ways…

Think about it…