Women AND Men, Unite, Reproductive/Abortion Rights-in EACH State

Well folks, it appears that since a few of the Supreme Court Justices lied about their stance on Roe v Wade and ended up causing the court to throw away that HARD-FOUGHT battle to have Abortion Rights – UNIVERSALLY, across the country.

  • No variation in separate states – all states followed Roe v Wade, whether they liked it or not

And of course, with the court tossing away Roe v Wade so glibly, it caused chaos to ensue with reprehensible and atrocious medical outcomes for many women – with fatalities…

Women, it now seems that you have to unite in each of the 50 states and D.C. to get Abortion Rights on the ballot for your state AND VOTE IT INTO LAW….!!!

Men, ESPECIALLY MEN – YOU MEN, those WITH the RIGHT MINDSET and THINKING CAPABILITY, HAVE TO BE on the side of all women. You MUST help women ensure they have the right to tell doctors, yes, they want the abortion. (We already know that it is tearing up the would-be mother to begin with, to terminate the fetus.) Men, this is the one thing you can truly shine in – making it clear where you stand and who you support.

This is not a politician’s right to tell a woman that she does not matter, nor that what she thinks does not matter to any degree. Or to sit back, smoking a stupidly large stogie (you know the analogy here) in that good ole boy’s club and make an edict – abortion, no abortion – no matter if the fetus is because of your father, your uncle, a criminal? It don’ matter lady. You don’ matter. What we men say goes…. But of course, there are some women siding with these ‘men’. Moms for Liberty…. You know, the group where one of its leaders (for the life of me, I cannot recall her name nor am I able to figure out google or whatever) is at this time being hypocritical…. Three-ways, which often means – bisexuality, for the two women involved that is.

Abortion is entirely and primarily the woman’s ultimate choice to make. And the would-be father or male (or female) companion SHOULD be there to help and support the decision to end a fetus from going further.

This decision is not for politicians to make. And it is certainly not for some religious zealot or group to make for another woman.

But now, since Roe v Wade is kaput, for the time being – we have variation in separate states about abortions – horrible variations. Women in some states:

  • can have abortion
  • cannot have an abortion at any time, unless it was incest or rape
  • cannot have an abortion at any time, unless it could be a pregnancy that ends the mother’s life or
  • cannot have an abortion at any time, for any reason whatsoever

Are we truly forcing women to return to hangers?

To possibly self-inflicted death because they cannot mentally and/or emotionally bear to give birth to a baby that was a result of a rape? By an ignobly, insidious, inconsiderate, irrational father? By the same kind of uncle? By their church pastor – yeah, look it up, that has happened as well – the ‘religious’, holy moly high figures of a church.

Folks, unless the supreme court truly sees the harm they have caused by overturning Roe v Wade and actually do something about it, like RECANT their vote to overturn Roe v Wade – well.


It is up to all of us citizens in every state, district and territory to get Abortion Rights for women on state ballots and VOTE that right BACK INTO LAW.

And yes, I am referring to all of us average Janes and Joes across the country – this is where the power lies. You have the voice and the feet to get to a voting booth to do this.

If Ireland passed a law to allow abortion, guess what – America can do so as well, in each state.

CONTROL! China CCP = American Conservative GOP

The thought just hit me and reminded me of a story in the NYT, (China May Ban Clothes That Hurt People’s Feelings. People Are Outraged) back in September. Please be aware, this piece will take a bit of time to read – 5 pages in Word.

Note: USA is not used because we are not a united country, we are a divided country that will continue to be so until more Americans in the conservative grouping wake up and see that we are in the 21st century and no longer in the 20th (or 19th) century… And coming together ‘only’ in times of turmoil and disasters is not how we should be coming together. We should be together – all the time. It only makes us stronger…


Xi JinPing and the Chinese CCP want to control everything and everyone that is Chinese and everywhere near the Chinese borders… Or even those Chinese citizens who are living and working in other countries such as America — listen for and check out information regarding illegal secret Chinese Police Stations located here and there around the globe who’s purported reason for being is to assist those Chinese who need passport assistance…

It reminds me of how the American GOP want to control Americans. Yes, they do. Abortions anyone – does that ring a bell – set off an alarm maybe…?

There are so many American conservatives here in our country, TODAY, that wants EVERYONE to return to a backwards period of time where:

  • Women are secondhand parties, chattel if you will. And yet, there are many women who simply do not seem to see that and still continue to back conservative political parties. It was not that long ago when women started to get on the road to equality and their fair share of everything in life – especially free will. The suffragist platform fought long and hard to get into making the voices of women heard.
    • Or, these women want to return to that “simple” life where the men control everything…
  • People of non-white genetic makeup are secondhand as well, where, again, not long ago – folks all over America of a non-white color had no voice, no equality, no power.
    • And again, here, we have so many people of color who seem not to notice that they are not wanted as equals to many of these conservatives…
  • If you were gay (imagine being transgender), you would likely be killed because the conservatives in power did not want what they call abnormal. Ask Mike Johnson, new speaker of the house about abnormal individuals…. Here is something, from Johnson for you to read: Speaker Mike Johnson wanted to criminalize sodomy & called gay marriage the “harbinger of chaos
    • He also said that gay people should not be a protected class because they “are capable of changing their abnormal lifestyles.”
  • Folks who wear nose rings or die their hair a brilliant green or blue are looked down upon as an affront to the conservative “American looks”.


Oh yeah, I could keep going but everyone in America should already know about these areas and many others.

Right now, we have a national crisis on Abortion where, thanks to Trump packing the Supreme Court with three members who explicitly lied to the Senate / Judiciary on this very topic. These three members, they were the primary reason Roe v Wade was overturned, let there be no doubt about that – of course they had help from Alito and Thomas as well.

Many political conservative GOP members want to put in place; 15-week bans, 6 week bans or complete bans with no exceptions to the woman carrying the fetus nor pay any regard to the age of the woman who was raped by a relative or a criminal – “12-Year-Old Incest Victims Should Birth Dad’s Child, House Speaker Gunn Says” – Mississippi, Jun 29, 2022

  • “Mississippi House Speaker Philip Gunn says abortion should be illegal even for a 12-year-old rape victim carrying her father or uncle’s child. He made the remark to reporters in the hours after the U.S. Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, allowing state abortion bans to take effect.”  


  • nose rings
  • dyed hair jobs
  • pants with holes in the knees
  • flamboyant, flashy trendy clothing that individuals like and want to wear
  • women wearing shaved heads, on the sides (or one side)
  • anyone showing tattoos on TV
  • folks wearing costumes in public, as in Cosplay in America
  • wearing clothing styles from another country (i.e.: Japanese Kimonos)
  • wearing gay pride colors

Xi JinPing wants the Chinese citizen to continue looking like the same, every day, conservative with no room for looking different (or better). Xi wants Chinese to appear in public without:

Xi wants to control the Chinese citizen to where the citizens appear in line with the Chinese CCP, looking alike without deviation of any kind. Everyone in China should be part of a cookie cutter mold with no room for personalization – no afros, no long hair (mainly men), no stylized haircuts. Kind of like getting the Chinese citizens to become more like N. Korean citizens, maybe, hmmm….


Those kinds of things listed above are somewhat like many conservative political members (and ‘many’ conservative American citizens) want all Americans to be like. Not to be out of line with American conservative values – not to be different from the conservative brand.

Conservatives want Americans to believe in “THEIR” God and not believe in anything else, such as:

  • Atheism
  • Islamic beliefs
  • Jewish beliefs (not sure on this one, as there are a lot of Jewish conservatives)
  • Humanist beliefs
  • Etc., etc., etc…..

Now we have conservative GOP members, after being beaten back by the Americans who want control back for women to make their own decisions about their bodies, who are walking back their absolute and complete bans or short 6/15-week abortion bans. Now they are saying, well, we can work on a compromise.

The problem with these conservative GOP members is that, “who can trust them…?” hmmm…. They might very well put in place what folks believe is something good but then yank it away when conservative GOP members regain power again. And I am quite sure that most of you out there, are aware of conservative GOP members at the state and national level, those who voted against anything positive for LBGTQ+ members and voted for restrictive bans – that there were/are members who later, years later, came out of the closet because they were/are gay. You can do a search on that as well…

Then, not to forget – there are the members who had family members or lovers go and do secret abortions so the public would not be aware.

This is the funny, stupid, sad part – there are people who continue to say that Trump was the right president that we needed at the right time and they believed in Trump. The problem is, it is not true about Trump being the right president – he was not. And if they believed in Trump, then those who stated so – they are definitely NOT the ones to follow today.

Trump caused more damage at home and internationally than any other American president in history. Our national and international standing.

Which other American president has ever elbowed aside a Prime Minister (Montenegro) in public at a NATO meeting (May 2017), just so ‘he’ could move up to the front as if ‘he’ were the almighty, ahem, ‘god’ over all others…

Trump caused more debt because he believed in passing a Tax break, which really helped the rich more than the middle- and lower-class Americans. That tax break without a means to offset what it cost the American public – just added another huge chunk of money to the national debt.

Same as what Ronald Reagan did when he was president. Massive tax breaks, added to the national debt…

Trump has just caused so, so many problems that it will take years to recover. 

Does white supremacy ring a bell, about how it is surging across America?

No, what about white nationalism being the primary way America should be…? Rise of hate crimes since Trump was president and after leaving office with Election Denialism is just running rampant across the conservative GOP hemisphere – does that ring any bells, alarms in your brain regarding Trump…???

Here, here is another aspect of Trump ‘not’ being effective as an American president – CoViD, how long did it take Trump to get the Defense Production Act up and running…? If he had simply pushed that to the forefront, many, MANY American lives would have been spared instead of being doomed to die, due to lack of American products being produced here in America…

Look at one of the front runners for the 2024 GOP candidates – DeSantis. He wants WOKE to die and go away but it is likely he does not even know what WOKE is for. Here is a quick take for those who do not know what WOKE is all about (there is more content out there but I am quite sure you can look it up, to ensure that you are getting unbiased information).

Individuals like DeSantis do not want anyone around to:

  • be WOKE (first in Florida and then hopefully all across America), or
  • believe in DEI (diversity, equity, inclusion) — and we ARE talking about equality here and “not” reverse racism or forced equality or some symbolic stance to put someone of any race, color, gender into a position of authority when they are not qualified — TRUE equality and diversity and inclusion (we are NOT talking about just giving lip service to some ill meaning acronym) or
  • have any corporation believe in those aspects and have
    • no organization who welcomes individuals who believe in these two areas.

DeSantis wants to whitewash history books, to remove black history (you can look that up right…?).  Not even be taught in AP classes or in colleges.

DeSantis was even idiotic enough to state that slaves learned valuable lessons while being slaves or indentured servants, or rather – ‘benefited’ from slavery. Who in their right mind would state that…?
It is like many people around the world today, those who are ‘still’ stating that the holocaust did not happen… This kind of non-belief thinking is like saying WW I & WW II did not happen.

So. Are you seeing the similarities of the Chinese CCP and Xi JinPing and the American conservative GOP…? How much more information, from sources that you trust (and are reputable) do you need?

People and parties who want power to gain control of people in their state, in their country are not the ones to follow.

Democracy is the way forward for everyone. Everyone benefits when democracy is the primary avenue of fairness. You have to realize that you cannot get everything you want, all the time. You have to compromise – that is what democracy is about, give and take. EVERYONE grows when there is fairness and everyone has an equal seat at the table.

There is no place in the world for those who want to control, instead of regulations and laws. Having a state-by-state referendum on abortion is the most idiotic and painful way to enact laws. The federal law on abortion, Roe v Wade should have stayed in place but certain supreme court judges deemed otherwise – they wanted the states to make the laws. Now, women, with their husband or wife, have to take time off from work and ‘TRY’ to go to another state for an abortion and/or to save their own lives.

Look at how long it took for women to get the 19th Amendment in place – certified in 1920 but women are STILL NOT earning equal pay.

Look at how long it took for Black Americans to gain voting rights – 1965 and we still had regions of this country where black votes were disregarded and disenfranchised.

Do you want to continually be forced to be a member of a nation where inequality continues to exist because you are a Black American or a Woman or a member of the LBGTQ+….?

In a country where conservative GOP members control what you can or what books you can read?

Yeah, remember, there are numerous book bans across America because so many parents do not want their children to be aware of the painful past of how women and slaves were treated nor be allowed to be aware of gays, lesbians, homosexuals of all age groups and of all races and male or female. Ali Velshi, an MSNBC anchor does a lot of content regarding the Book Bans across America if you truly wish to check that out.

Think about it…

Do you want equality in America or do you want to continue to have pockets across America where:

  • racism, hatred, hate crimes, women (girls) to be cast aside and/or forced to carry to term and give birth to an unwanted child due to being raped by their father (that is, if the woman (girl) survived the birth)?

Or do you want to be a part of a country that is strong and proud? Strong and proud because of equality, diversity and inclusion for EVERYONE…???!!!

It is bad enough that we have to fight climate change and make the world better for everyone but as it stands, we are going to lose countries and people where ocean levels continue to rise and air pollution is becoming worse at times…

The Taliban, errr – sorry, ‘American Right’ Are Coming for YOU… (part 1 of 2)

Is That What’s Really Happening….

Note, I wrote this in a rush to get it somewhat off my brain to get back to some other tasks I need to do, so please bear with me for this article, I may come back to polish it up more but you will get the gist of it hereThat is, if I can put with WordPress’ pathetic mode of editing

To be clear, this does not extend to all Republicans, or folks on the Right – there are some that are very decent and very democratically oriented. This is primarily aimed at the, ummm – more outer edge and QAnon type ‘Right’.

But. We do have quite a significant number of Conservative Republicans – men (mostly men), women, white (mostly white), black (interestingly), yellow, brown, red, straight (mostly) and a few gay (again, interestingly) – that are quite puritanical and religiously oriented about how ALL Americans should behave and act.

Because of the “Draft” Overturn of Roe v Wade from the Supreme Court, the country has gone into banana mode, led by McConnell and some of his buddies and their red state legislators. I am not even including Trump in this, he is just too far off the rails to be considered sane.

This has finally led me to believing that America is being led astray by a LOUD minority of folks in this country. Here, let’s compare a few things and you make up your own mind – AFTER you do your own research AND your own thinking OUTSIDE of all conspiracy circles and Facebook siloes.
YOU need to do the deep soul searching and information content on your own and by yourself first before coming back to debate/discuss it with others.

(Apologies on the table formatting, it did not come across as in the original paper)

Taliban EdictsRepublicans’ Wet Dreams
Women cannot drive long distances without a guardian (this means a male, of any age), since the Taliban believes women need to be overseen at all times and have no say in anything.
And if there is no guardian and the woman does so, the guardian (man or boy) will be paid a visit by the Taliban.      

Women will not be educated beyond grade school (upper education schools are being shut down or already shut down – May 2022)

Women will cover their faces at all times in public and on TV        

Women are not equal to men and never will be        

Religion shall be all about Allah – no other religion will be practiced or allowed                  

Adultery – beaten via the Sharia mechanism or even stoned to death    

Taliban want supreme control over everything

* Women will be banned from any abortion, regardless of rape or incest
* Women will be banned from leaving the state for abortions
* Women will be banned from receiving abortion medication
* Women will be forced to endure the unwanted, repugnant pregnancy, whether they like it or not – even if they were raped by their FATHER or UNCLE or a LUNATIC criminal
* Women will have no right regarding pregnancy, except to deliver the baby

Education will be led by the conservative republicans, there will be:
* no gay subject matter for grade school;
* no anti-racist material in schools;
* no critical race theory will be taught in grade school, high school or college
* meaning – republicans really do not want future generations to learn about racist attitudes of the past (and today) nor any horrific activities that their ancestors undertook (lynchings and raids and firebombing towns and outright murder – even tar and feather) to quelch ANY kind of equality and continue to suppress anyone of color and gender
* Conservative republicans want to continue to whitewash history, especially in Texas;
* removing any kind of racist horrors and history from ALL text books in grade / high school – leaving only some kind of puffery (and a very short blurb at that) regarding that time in history.
* Then when these school kids become adults and move to another state – the adult who grew up in a state whitewashing history becomes horrified (the smart liberal ones at any rate) to learn that they were taught partial history (or none) which was covered up rather than the full and complete atrocities that were done
* The Japanese tried this years ago regarding the murder, raping, looting, and burning in the Chinese city of Nanjing (then known as Nanking) in 1937   

Next will be what kind of clothing women and young people are allowed to wear in American schools – there have already been multiple cases of what kind of hair styles boys and girls in school are allowed to have – which all ended up backfiring    

And yes, women of America, many men still want to suppress you to this day – primarily white men
* There are still TOO MANY men who do not want to see women earning as much as or more than they earn and many of the men do NOT want you in positions of power
* This is where I fail in my comprehension – with the suppression of female equality, ESPECIALLY amongst white women – there are STILL so many white women who will gloss over this and continue to be suppressed and not want equality as other women do  

Religion – the vast majority of republican conservatives want there to be god everywhere and in everything we do. Even though science continues to disprove nearly everything brought up. For the first 20 years of my life, all religious talk was about how the world was only 6,000 years old. You do not hear that any more… People can believe whatever they wish to believe but they CANNOT CONTINUE TO FORCE RELIGION on those who do not believe… Nor force any non-religious individuals to heel to ANY religious ways of life…      

Women get the short end of the stick in America because they cannot just go enjoy sex the way many corrupt, philandering men do…  

Mostly white men want to regale supremely over all non-white men in America:
* the militias want their weapons to fend off future attacks by uprising blacks and browns and China (which is simply all crazy)
* SUNDOWN Towns want to continue to exist by ‘persuading’ non-whites to not stay in their towns overnight
* the KKK still wants to come back to power and then there are
* the neo-Nazis who also want to be the power brokers of America to save the pureness of the white lineage (hint – bad news for ya folks, many of you have mixed blood in your ‘pure lineage’)  

And because American Red states want to dictate what should be primary and final determinations for pregnancy and abortions.  The problem here is, the final decision regarding a pregnancy abortion is ultimately up to the woman – she is the SOLE arbiter of what should happen. It is HER decision to live with for the rest of her life – no one, not religious or atheist, not conservative or liberal should tell any woman what she should do. In the end, it is up to her, not the woman’s parents; not the husband or boyfriend – but the pregnant woman.

So, it will be pretty simple for women who are doomed in their home red state and cannot afford to do anything.

  1. Miscarriage – easiest answer and I really hate to say it but this may be the woman’s only option – but remember, too many precious women may die and have died over the decades because of getting rid of an unwanted fetus (a non-breathing, non-thinking, non-conscious entity)
  2. Have the baby, put it in a box and leave the box on the doorstep (not at any church or fire station) of your favorite Associate Judge of our “Supreme Court” – Judge Amy (not the t.v. star), Judge Kavanaugh, Judge Gorsuch or everyone’s beloved (not) Alito and not to forget Judge clarence. But, you need to take precautions (which I would do if I were a woman and had to be forced through this nightmare):
    • Use a box with no markings to indicate you
    • Wear surgical gloves when handling the box and the baby – leave no DNA and to hide your skin color
    • Put the baby in the box wrapped up in a blanket with a note for Auntie Amy, I mean Judge Amy
    • Wear two sets of clothing – one for bagginess to cover the set underneath and you must wear a Burka, damn, sorry – a hoody and keep it down
    • Have a spare pair of shoes to switch to after you drop off the box with the baby
    • Avoid as many cameras as possible
    • After doing the drop, find a safe, dark/deserted spot blocks away – outside of camera view – switch clothing and shoes and put them in a trash can, keep the gloves on and later dispose of them somewhere else
  3. These are things are what I would do, not saying you should do them – besides, doing the drop on these associate judges door steps should be a dear thing of god that these justices would want, right, leaving the babies with someone who would love them – it should be as legal as dropping the baby box at a fire station or church – correct….???

But this is what we face, red states – that want to dictate and force people to do things the person does not want to do. Yes, the pandemic forced people to get vaccinated because that affects EVERYONE around them, not just the person refusing to get the shot. I wish we had some kind of mechanism to track how many people died because the “hands off my body anti-vaxxer” refused to get vaccinated…?

  1. hundreds
  2. thousands
  3. 10’s of thousands…?

Because of refusing to get the vaccine, many anti-vaxxers / hands-off my body individuals caused others to get sick and die. Or they caused people who needed to be hospitalized for other issues – heart attack, liver transplant, cancer surgery – to not undergo surgery in a timely manner and then died.

The pandemic was a different animal – that affected everyone – forcing a woman to retain and undergo a pregnancy is an individual issue. A woman who is pregnant and wants an abortion does not cause anyone who is a living, breathing, thinking and conscious entity any kind of physical pain. It ‘might’ cause emotional distress but that is the price the religious pay for following a god.

What a pregnant woman decides in the end, that is her business and does not affect how anyone else’s life, that is – anyone breathing, thinking and conscious continues.

And remember, this “abortion ban” – this is only the prelude to more attempted restrictions or bans. Such as banning mixed race marriage, where others like my wife and I would “not” be able to get married in the future. The Loving’s work to get legally married would have become a terrible wasted effort…

A huge hurdle and effort, wasted – gone, because too many Americans chose not to stand up to Trumpist’s, Trumpism and narrow-minded bigots and white supremacy wannabes…