Be Aware Electoral College, in 2016, You Chose the Unpopular Choice

Be aware Electoral College, you made a conscious decision of voting for an unpopular choice to become this country’s next President. Now we, the people will have to live with it unless you change your votes.

You decided to select someone who explicitly said whatever he believed would win him votes. Facts Don’t Matter appeared to be the mantra of this individual who won your 2016 Electoral College vote.

The Republican choice for President knew that most of what he said was complete nonsense and a great deal of fiction. A vast amount of what he stated was not based in fact but emanated from bald faced nonsense from Twitter and from un-vetted/untrue Fake News stories.

To be clear, yes, the Democratic Presidential choice also made some untrue statements in regards to a certain email server. And yes, on the Clinton Foundation – before you (Electoral College) or anyone else explodes, do a bit more research and check out the foreign money aspects. Do not just believe claims from a single source (or two), do your own deeper research. Do more. Do more than just reading blog posts or Facebook postings or Twitter tweets, do something more substantial.

You are smart people, do better due diligence.

Most of you in the Electoral College should already know that the Republican Presidential choice came from a background of having no experience in:

  • Political affairs / Governance
  • Military (unless you wish to count his time as a youth spent in a military institution making him an expert in all things military)
  • Statesmanship / Diplomacy (do business dealings count towards diplomacy)

The individual you selected as the next President disregards nepotism standards. Yes, there are no explicit laws on this count for the President and Vice-President but do you want someone in that office who blatantly disregards nepotism.

Your choice is also ignoring (at least to this point) any rules towards putting his businesses into a blind trust – and that also means, outside of the family.


Your Electoral College Presidential choice is selecting individuals for cabinet postings that come from rather odd backgrounds. The following is not a complete list, but look at the  dearth of women and the disappointing racial makeup of the members:

  • Labor Secretary – an individual who wants to eliminate overtime and sick leave and a very vocal critic of minimum wages (which will significantly help the lower class members become better members of society as their economic lives improve) – this individual wants to do away with a large chunk of government regulation in the workplace
  • State Department – an individual that ran Exxon as a separate entity who chose to disregard current and longtime laws of companies having to work with the White House when dealing with other countries for foreign business dealings
  • Education – an individual that wants to somewhat destroy the progress made on public education for Vouchers and Charter Schools that do not embrace all children from all walks of life (when you choose who goes to a Charter School – i.e. restricting how many children with learning problems or from a background of poverty, of course, your Charter School success rate goes up)
  • Energy Department – an individual who wanted to eliminate the entire department and has no background in this area (look at previous heads who have deep backgrounds and expertise)
  • Attorney General – an individual who does not believe that Sentencing Reform is the right thing (primarily and most likely that the majority of folks affected by this are of a different race and economic status) – this individual also does not believe in Voting Rights and Civil Rights and would like to see most of the laws in these two areas rolled back (or eliminated)
  • HUD – an individual who claims his experience in this area boils down to “well, I grew up in the projects” (so far, this is the only Black on Trump’s list)
  • Treasury – an individual who basically kicked people out of homes in order to make money for the company during the 2008 housing crisis (the U.S. government bailed out his bank, IndyMacBank, in 2008) as well as other underhanded activities (I would have to do more digging on this one but you must do your own digging because you would not believe me anyway – but check out the Suffolk County judges’ statements on Mnuchin’s practices at that renamed OneWest Bank)
  • EPA – an individual who wants to eliminate regulations, such as the Clean Power Plan… what about bringing back ‘more’ fossil fuels to the U.S. – recall Black Lung disease, any of you…?

This list could go on for all the picks (Bannon, Priebus, Price {HHS}, etc.) but, well, you should do your own deeper research… Does this selection grouping have any semblance to “Draining the Swamp” or is this actually draining the swamp only to replace the draining with a replenishment of the same type individuals…?


So Electoral College, you voted for an individual to become the next U.S. President who in turn is selecting individuals who will cause long term irreparable harm to this country. And for which will take a decade or more to recover from if your choice becomes the next President and he gets all the cabinet choices he desires.

Some of those choices are looking at doing away with regulations that have killed thousands of people in the past. Do any of you recall the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire which killed 145 (mostly women and children) due to the lack of regulations (chained and blocked fire escape doors and no effective firefighting tools – no safety and child labor laws). What about factory safety? What about general safety and health laws (OSHA anyone – is this entity on the chopping blocks)? Do you want to see sweat shops return to this country?

Do you Electoral College want to see ‘more’ dirty air, more harmful pollution because that is what you are going to get if you allow someone like your Presidential choice take office as that administration does away with ‘expensive and business stifling’ regulations. What about the Paris Agreement, do you want to see the U.S. pull out of an international agreement where the entire planet can possibly see cleaner air in our lifetime?

What is a human life worth when a company can make money for its board and executive staff…? Is that the new standard we Americans have to live by now?


So Electoral College, you voted for an individual who repeatedly stated he was going to clean up Washington by going anti-establishment. Well, look at his posse he is putting in place – individuals from Goldman Sachs, Generals and other non-experienced individuals to run the country.

   What do you think about your choice now…? Is this person who stated on tape “I just grab them by the P_ _ _ y” the person you wish to be a role model for your children or the public face to present to the world?

Will you, Electoral College members, be able to sleep at night, especially when at some point over the next several years, your family may be affected by the choice you made in 2016…